Not One of The Boys

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An: My last few have made Nat the bad guy so we're about to change that. We're also going to play around with previous one shots to switch up characters, so this one may sound similar.

You were Wanda and Vision's adopted child. They adopted you while on the run together, but didn't make it official until a year after coming home.

However, as time went on Wanda wanted her own family and seemingly forgot about the child she already had. Her and Vision began planning for kids and when they finally got pregnant with the twins they were beyond excited.

Pretty soon, the entire compound was buzzing in excitement for Wanda and the twins. So much so that important dates like your adoption date and birthday were just looked over. It seemed as if once Wanda knew she was expecting kids everyone forgot about you.

Well except Natasha. She watched as you went from the bright light you were to someone who hid in the shadows. But not knowing how to help you made it seem like she was just like everyone else. And truthfully, outside of your mom, Natasha acting like that hurt you the most. You had been so use to being tossed aside, you had really thought this time would be different.

Little did you know that Nat was internally battling herself. Not only did she not know how to help you, but she didn't want to overstep any boundaries with her friend. But all of that went out the window when Nat was the only one waiting for you after a particularly rough mission.

Steve, Sam, and Yelena all exited the jet but you were no where to be seen. You could practically feel Nat's heart beat out of her chest, anxiety rising as she thought through worst case scenarios. That was until Yelena caught a hold of her gaze and signaled to her.

But as she started walking, Yelena stopped her and whispered "move slowly, and please be gentle with her."

With that Nat ran the rest of the way to the jet before carefully making her way up the ramp to find you.

You were playing with the your powers so confused on how something so pretty could be so destructive.

You had made a mistake, but more importantly people died because of your mistake. And their screams kept replaying in your head over and over again.

Nat didn't even have a chance to make it fully to you before you got up and stormed off the jet. Nat couldn't even process how fast you moved until she realized drops of blood forming a path to point where you went.

It took her almost an hour to find but when she did, she found you with bloody hands from the punching bag in one of many power safe rooms.

You were in the smallest of these rooms because you knew you couldn't hurt anything with your powers here but also because it's the most hidden.

If you were being honest, you're surprised it took Nat that long to find you.

She slowly made her way over to you and that's when she finally noticed that not only did you have a huge gash on your forehead (hence the blood), but you were crying.

Nat reached for your shoulder but as soon as she touched you, you flinched away.

"Please...I don't, I can't hurt you... I can't hurt anyone else" voice breaking as you said the last part.

Nat simply grabbed your hands, kissed them and then pulled you into her. At this point Nat didn't care what line she would be crossing with Wanda. You were practically a child, and needed someone. And she's determined to be there for you.

"маленький (little one)" she started. "You could never hurt me."

She rocked you side to side while maintaining her grip on you. Waiting for your sobs to die down. She just kept whispering "you're ok, it's ok, we're safe."

When you finally calmed down enough she picked you up and carried you to medbay while you were half asleep, still gripping her shirt.

Of course the one time she needs to get somewhere quickly she passes by Wanda and the rest of the team who all have questions. But for some odd reason, Wanda is only now interested in you.

"What are you.... Why are you carrying my daughter... what happened" she asked.

Nat only scoffed before saying "I'm taking her to medbay, but don't bother following us."

Wanda stood there shocked as yelena followed after her sister. When she finally went to move again she had noticed both Sam and Steve were in her way. Both of which finally pulled together what was going on with you during your ride to the mission. And both now rightfully pissed.

"Get out of my way" wanda growled at both of them.

"After what you did to her..." Sam started saying and before he could finish, Steve jumped in and said "No".

Wanda couldn't understand what was happening, after being in her little bubble of happiness for so long. She wasn't ready for it to be popped, and boy she wasn't ready for the weight of her actions and the consequences they would bring.

Natasha Romanoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now