I'm Done pt. 3

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Maria turned on her heel before walking out of the room. Everything clicked into place for Steve and Bucky since walking past your room crying. Come to think of it, they had heard you crying before but since they've never heard or seen your cry they chalked it up to some tv show you were watching.

"That explains all the crying we heard from her room" Bucky whispered to Steve, but Natasha heard.

She still sat frozen in her seat staring at the photo on the screen.

How had she messed up this badly.

How has she missed this.

It wasn't until Carol spoke from the doorway did she focused back onto reality.

"I hope you know she just spent the last couple hours trying to figure what she did wrong when all she did was stand up to bullies, to protect people, to be just like you...GOD SHE WANTS TO BE JUST LIKE YOU" she all but yelled the last part.

Carol looked down at floor contemplating whether to tell you about what you said about your parents. But Carol knew that Natasha had to understand the weight of the situation.

"That sweet girl upstairs has compared you to her parents..."

The entire team whipped around at that statement.

"She never believed that you all, but especially Natasha would treat her like how her actual parents did. Not only that but she feels so isolated, so alone and you all have made her feel like that. She will be given the choice if she stays with you all or if Maria and I take her somewhere safe. Because that sweet baby upstairs deserves to feel safe and loved, unconditionally."

And with that Carol left her spot against the wall and made her way up to you. All the while the rest of the Avengers remained seated, practically frozen in place.

Tears threatened to fall from Natasha's face as the reality started to set in. All she could think about was if she was about to lose her little girl... and then it hit her that she may have lost her a long time ago and that's when the tears began to freely fall.

Everyone got up to give the widow her space... and Bucky and Steve angrily tore down signs and posters as they left the room.

Eventually only Clint and Natasha remained in the room while Natasha watched the video footage over and over again.

"Clint" Natasha's voice shook and her body was trembling just as badly.

Nat went to speak, but the words lost in her throat as she sobbed into her best friends side.

When Nat finally calmed down enough she went to find you. She had to start and try and fix what she broke. She walked the walls of the compound until she came to your door.

She found you staring at the wall with a half packed bag, Maria and Carol trying to help. Instead of coming in she stood there and watched the interaction.

Carol and Maria both stopped at the same time, realizing their words were falling on deaf ears when they saw you frozen in place staring at the wall.

"Baby" Carol said. She went to reach for you and you flinched out of habit. After everything you still thought everyone's first motive was to hurt you.

"I'm sorry" you whispered.

Maria pulled you into her arms and sat you both on the bed. Tears lining her eyes seeing you hurt this badly.

"You don't ever have to apologize." Maria started.

"You've gone through so much and hurt by the people who were supposed to love you unconditionally..." tears lined her eyes before she said "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from it"

"Maria..." you said. "It's not your fault,"

And before you could say anything else Carol butted in to say "and it's not yours either baby"

You sat in silence for a while and Natasha was about to knock before a whispered "why wasn't I enough" broke through the silence. And in that moment all three of their hearts shattered more than they ever thought possible.

Both Maria and Carol were at a loss for words of how to convince you that you are more than enough.

That was until Natasha entered the room and kneeled in front of you, both Maria and Carol tightened their grips on you and you tried to shift behind them.

"Sweetie, I know I'm the last person you trust to hear from but you have always been more than enough. I shouldn't have ever made you feel like you were less than enough, I shouldn't have brushed you off like some random person or have allowed the team to make comments about you..."

Natasha took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know it's going to take a lot for you to believe me but I'm sorry. Baby I've never been more sorry. I wish I could take back every blown off comment and situation and ignored bruise but I can't. But please, please don't leave. Not like this"

Tears were falling down her face and her voice cracked as she said "please baby, let me fix this."

Sobs ripped through your chest as you cried into your aunts. And when they finally subsided your voice trembled as you said "I'm not sure you can... I think, I think I need to go with aunt Maria and Aunt Carol for a while."

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