The Other Widow

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You and Yelena had a special bond. You both grew up together in the red room, while years apart she always looked out for you. She also saved you from the red room and you both stayed together in Budapest for almost eight months. Yelena had even gotten you both matching "sister" necklaces. She told you it was because you were one of the only family members she had left and with Nat gone she wanted you to have the necklace.

But the peace the two of you felt didn't last long. Soon the red room, specifically Dreykov was after you both. Because of that you and Yelena had to do something.

So you and Yelena went to the one person Yelena trusted with her life, her sister Nat. The three of you took on the task to take down the red room. With the help of Melina and Alexi you finally freed yourselves

As the mission came to a close Nat asked Yelena if she wanted to move to the compound. You should have known right then and there that things between the two of you were going to change.

Yelena agreed to move as long as you could come with her. Nat huffed and rolled her eyes before realizing that the only way Yelena would come was if you did to. So she relented.

Over the next three and a half months things were ok. They weren't great, but they were ok. It wasn't towards Christmas time did you really see a shift.

This was yours and Yelena's first Christmas free from the red room. But as the month dragged on she drew herself further and further away from you.

With Nat dragging her, and only her she made sure of it, to experience Christmas in New York. You weren't upset at first, realizing that this was also Nat's first actual Christmas with her sister. But then Nat made sure to tell Yelena that you couldn't come did you know you weren't welcome.

You're not quite sure what you did to Nat to make her act this way. But the more time Yelena spent away, the less you felt welcomed. It to the point where Yelena was asking only Nat to do things and you were left behind.

Christmas Eve finally arrived and even with the dynamic you felt with the team you still got them all presents and wrapped them to put under the tree.

You walked into the common room at around 12pm to an empty floor. You asked F.R.I.D.A.Y where everyone was and she told you they all went to the Barton farm for Christmas and would be back late tomorrow evening.

They left you.

You couldn't actually believe they left you. Most importantly you couldn't believe Yelena would leave you. So you placed the teams presents and the extras you got for yelena under the tree, you grabbed a few snacks and made your way to your room. A room that you didn't leave until after the team returned.

What you didn't know was that Nat and the team couldn't decide if they trusted you or not so they decided it was in the Barton's best interest not to invite you. Regardless of how Yelena felt they couldn't take any chances.

But when the team finally returned at around 7pm on Christmas night they knew they had severely misjudged you. They came back to find multiple presents under the tree for them from you along with hand written notes thanking them for letting you stay.

You made your way downstairs about and hour and a half after the team got back with one small present in one hand and your bag in another.

The team stopped talking when they noticed you enter and just watched as you started to make your way across the room. You stopped in front of Yelena who was sitting next to Nat.

You trembled as you held out the small box. "I um well I wanted you to have this back. You gave it to me because you didn't have anyone else left but now that Nat's back you can give it to your real sister."

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