Not one of the boys pt. 2

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"What do you mean after what I did to her.... And what do you mean by No" Wanda questioned both Sam and Steve.

"You heard us Wanda" Sam started, "go take care of your kids, we'll check on her" he finished. And with that, both men walked out the room leaving Wanda frozen in place, and her thoughts.

She couldn't figure out the sudden hostility from half the team. She spent the next half hour trying to figure out what happened. Sure she hadn't seen you that much, but she didn't think it was that bad... right?

When she finally moved she made her way to medbay to see you getting a huge gash on your forehead stitched up while Nat held you, every so often kissing your hands and whispering that you were ok.

Wanda didn't know whether to be upset you went elsewhere for comfort or mad at her best friend.

She slowly made her way into the room before asking Nat to leave so she could talk to you. She couldn't explain the heart break she felt when you gripped onto Nat and asked her to stay.

You all sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but only seconds had passed by before you said "why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here" Wanda asked.

You sat there for a solid minute contemplating whether or not to tell her. It wasn't until Nat squeezed your hand in reassurance while giving you a little nod.

You pulled away from Nat a little before quite literally ripping into Wanda.

"You haven't cared in over two years. For two years I was tossed a side, ignored, made to feel less than because I wasn't biologically yours.... So no I didn't expect you to be here."

To the side, the sides of Nat's mouth threatened to turn into a smile at you standing up for self. But she also had worry lines lining her face as she felt you shake in anger.

"I was never enough for you. And once you finally started your own family and you announced you were pregnant I stopped being your daughter. I stopped being this teams family. I have gone back to being the outsider on the team..." you voice broke as a sob ripped through your chest, and you couldn't stop the tears.

"Baby I..." Wanda tried to reason.

"Don't call me that" you growled at her through the tears.

"I'm so sorry I did that. I got so caught up in the bubble that I had created I never even realized what I was doing to you.... But you're still my daughter and I care about you, I do" Wanda said. But the next words out of your mouth left her stunned.

"But you're not" you started. "You haven't been my mom for over two years, and legally for over 6 months"

"I...what" Wanda stuttered out. She looked back and forth between you and Nat. Anger rising in her and with the look she made, you knew what assumptions she was making.

"Don't. You. Dare" Wanda had practically given herself whiplash with how fast she turned to you when you said that to her and in that tone.

"Don't you dare blame Nat. I went myself and had the adoption annulled. But don't you dare make assumptions because she's the one that's cared for me. She's been more like a mom to me then you ever had. The only one you can blame here Wanda, is yourself."

And with that you ripped the IV out of your arm and stormed out of them room, leaving Nat and Wanda alone.

Nat sighed and carefully planned her next words before clearing her voice to talk to her friend.

"She's so much like you yanno. Even when you and Vis found her it was like the universe practically threw you a daughter who embodied everything that word is. And I was jealous, because here the universe was giving you a child when you could still have your own and I couldn't... but I was ok being the cool, protective aunt because I love you and her... and truthfully, I really only needed to be the cool aunt because with you and Vis, even on the run she was safe"

Nat took a really deep breath before continuing, knowing this next part would hurt Wanda. But Wanda needed to hear it.

"And instead of being happy to add to your family, you were excited to start you own family. Forgetting your own daughter, who might I remind you not only crossed a milestone birthday while you were pregnant, but also a milestone in her life as your daughter with her adoption and you didn't care. And that is when I stopped being just the cool aunt and became the protective one."

At this point both women were crying, but as much as Wanda hoped that she would be done talking, Nat wasn't done... she was no where near done.

"I was the one who dropped off food at her door when she stopped coming to team dinners, I'm the one who dropped off medical supplies to her room after mission when she got hurt, hell I even sent Yelena in to help her knowing that outside of you and me, she trusted Yelena the most.  But most importantly, I'm the one who had to assure her that she'd still have a family after finding her sitting in her room crying after annulling your adoption of her... because that Wanda, is what a mom does for their daughter. Biologically or not they show up and they be there for their kid."

Nat went to leave, but as she did Wanda lightly grabbed her arm... "I'm sorry. Please take care of her"

Nat stopped in her tracks, looked Wanda in the eye and said "she may forgive you in time and if she does, you'll always be her family. But it's not me you need to apologize to."

And with that she left the room to find you. Her daughter.

Natasha Romanoff One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz