How could this happen?
Dada didn't even say anything to them?
May be he is in good mood , thank god som thought to himself while having his food

Where anirudh is not 8n this world,
His mind only rwcalling saudamini's words , he seemed totally lost

Kaka who is observing anirudh
Mentally sighed
Sure, something happened to this boy . He thought

After completing their dinner,
They retired to their respective rooms.

Where anirudh is still at dining table playing with his food.

What's wrong with me?
Why Iam thinking this much about saudamini's rubbish talks?
Love, love etc..etc.. he thought

What the hell? He held his head

Sakhababu..his thoughts broken by bondita's sweet voice
Who came down to everyone is done their dinner or not.

She thought that , everyone would be left after having their dinner
She found anirudh still at the dining
Seems like his food is untouched

Coming to him
She sat beside him ob the chair
What happened sakhababu, seems like you haven't even touched the food .she softly asked him.

Nothing bondita, Iam fine he said

But, she is not convinced with his answer,
She know something is wrong by observing his face

Can I feed you sakhababu? She asked suddenly making anirudh looked at her

Eventhough, it's very common to feed eachother
It didn't happen from long

No need strain yourself bondita, I will eat, go and sleep ,school haina tume. And before he could go forward in his talks

Bondita pushed the food morsel into his mouth.

Bondita..he gasped in shock and made a cute face

She laughed

She is more beautiful when she is laughing, her smile is best accessory for her .he thought in his mind

Sakhababu saying she forwarded another morsel to him

He too ate it without out denying.

Sakhababu, if something is bothering, you can share with me, she said between feeding him

Nothing bondita, Iam just tensed about cases that's it .he said munching his food

Offo sakhababu, why are you taking this much stress,
You only said na truth always wins,
And I know my sakhababu always stands by truth, don't worry sakhababu, she soothingly said to him, still feeding him

Bondita, can I ask you something?
He asked , she nodded

Bondita, when there is a conflict between your heart and your mind, which to hear? What to follow . He asked her

She looked at him suspiciously, why he is asking like this

Sakhababu I know, something is bothering you, and it's ok if you don't want to tell me, to your question situation mostly màtters.
Some times going with mind worksout
Or sometime with heart
A barrister follow his mind
Kaam me tho dhimaak ka kaam aathe

Aur relations me dil ka kaam aathe
Aur ee sirf meri opinion hain
Everyone has their opinions and their priorities
Ask yourself sakhababu
Ask your inner conscious
Choose what you felt right,
And I have full faith on you,that whatever your decision it  be, that would be right and perfect
She said feeding last morsel of food him and forwarded water to him
They cleaned their hands.

Why do you believe me this much ? He asked

Because, app sansaar ho meri . She answered him with a smile

Still? He questioned

You will be always my sansaar, no matter where I will be. She said
I don't know, What future stored for me,where will i go , I don't know anything, but you will be my sansaar sakhababu, my Krishna, my guru , my rakshak she added
And my first and last love. She whispered to herself that anirudh couldn't hear it

Where will you go, ?he asked

App hi tho muhe London bhejna chahte ho na , tho abhi or kabhi tho nikalna hai muje .she said

You won't go anywhere bondita,
There is lot of time for that, he said

After that? She questioned

After, you will return here he said

She just smiled
Okk, sakhababu good night saying she stood up to leave for her room

But anirudh stopped holding her wrist

Coming to her,
Ca..can I hug you bondita he asked her with hesitation

First it shocked her, .after that she nodded

Slowly anirudh engulfed bondita in hug,
His one hand at her back and one resting on her head
His hand started caressing her head
Her head on his chest , as she barely reaches his shoulders

Anirudh stayed in that position for sometime gaining solace for his restless heart.

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