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It had taken some days, but eventually the crew had found themselves at the Elterian city limits. Druig was carefully hovering the Domo just above Elterian air space, to ensure they didn't cause an issue before they wanted their presence to be known. Now, they had to come up with a plan to rescue Ikaris with the least amount of issue.

This conversation should have been done a while ago, but icy tensions were being seen throughout the Domo.

Druig was still not speaking to Makkari the best he could, the girl avoiding him all the same. Frankie and Sprite were still connected at the hip, Frankie's mind bursting with information as Sprite filled her in with everything she needed to know. Kailee still held high concerns about Frankie and the girl's growing power, but Druig and Makkari had decided (Which gave Kailee the good conscience to figure she should probably wait) that unless Frankie's darkness began to grow, the girl was safe to keep around.

"So, do we have a plan, or are we just storming the Palace like a bunch of idiots and hope it all works out on our end?" Kailee asked, her arms crossed as she surveyed the makeshift rescue team. Druig made a face at her sarcasm, Makkari allowing a small smile to spread across her lips.

"Can you see Ikaris?" Druig asked Kailee, only for Kailee to replied with, "Can you?"

"Yeah, why can you just go find him in your mind again? Like you did in London, when you died," Frankie asked, causing Kailee and Makkari to explode in uproar.

"You died?!" Kailee exclaimed, as Makkari signed frantically, What the hell is he talking about?

Druig put his hands up to try and calm everyone down, shooting an annoyed look at Frankie. She shrunk back, behind Sprite, who was glaring at Druig for not telling the girls. "I passed out, temporarily," He explained calmly, "Frankie got a little freaked out because she wasn't expecting it to happen".

"No, you were dead," Sprite countered, Makkari and Kailee looking back and forth between Sprite, Frankie and Druig. "Seriously. I checked. You freaked me out too".

Druig threw his hands up in defeat, "Alright, it doesn't matter what happened, I can't do it again. Kai, just find him, would you?" He was getting frustrated now; why wasn't anyone taking this as seriously as he was?

I could do a quick sweep of the perimeter, Makkari suggested, only to be shot down by Druig, Kailee and Sprite instantaneously. Her shoulders dropped in disappointment, wishing she could help more than she was.

Kailee took a breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the blinding light that popped up in the darkness. Makkari was closest to her, her light burning the brightest out of all of them. Her light slowly faded into Druig, the man standing close enough to her for their light to merge. Sprite's was the dullest of them all, almost being completely consumed by Frankie's raging bonfire of light.

In the distance, Kailee could see three balls of light. Two were burning a bright, terrifying red, with another smaller light, burning a soft yellowy white colour. That light was diminishing by the second. "I found him," Kailee exclaimed, her eyes flying open upon realization, "They're killing Ikaris, his light is barely hanging on".

"We could just let him die," Sprite suggested, earning themselves a light smack from Frankie, who's eyes went wide with fear at the comment, "We don't owe him shit, and he sure as hell has helped any of us in the past".

"That's rich coming from you," Kailee commented bitterly, before feeling all eyes on her; the sensation of burning. "Sorry," She said in a small voice, Makkari offering a small smile in sympathy. "But we aren't letting him die. He might be an asshole who doesn't deserve our respect, but I cannot deal with anymore death. Or else I'm going to go dark". She meant the last part as a joke, thinking her sarcasm came through her voice loud and clear, but the concern looks her friends were giving her told her otherwise.

"We can't just go in guns ablazing," Sprite said, "We know Elteron, and we know their Queens. We need a solid plan of attack if we have any hope of getting Ikaris".

"Yes," Kailee said in agreement, while having absolutely no plan of attack in mind. When she realised everyone was waiting for her to say something else, she added, "Druig?"

He glared at her, but got to thinking. "Well, if they realise we have a Hollister witch, then they might try to back us into an exchange. Frankie for Ikaris," Druig said, merely thinking aloud, but causing a flurry of panic.

"Let's do that," Kailee said, Makkari shaking her head in disagreement. Frankie looked terrified, cowering behind Sprite with thoughts that she was about to be sacrificed to the crazy witches from another planet.

"We aren't killing Frankie!" Druig exclaimed, "That's final. We might be able to use her as a distraction though".

"Someone would need to go with her, though," Sprite said logically; of course, Frankie wouldn't be able to take on the Hollister Queens alone. "And given our last encounter with them, I think the strongest person should accompany her".

Worried eyes flickered to Kailee.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me".

"You're the strongest out of all of us," Druig defended, Makkari signing, You're the only one who they might fear.

"She's going to kill us all!" Kailee countered, in disbelief that even after telling Druig that Frankie could just self-destruct whenever he was still willing to put her by Kailee, "You cannot be serious".

"You're the only one who can do it, Kai. Makkari can get to Ikaris and get him free, and Sprite and I can distract the guards. You and Frankie just need to keep the Queens busy enough so Makkari can get Ikaris," Druig explained, Kailee shaking her head harshly.

"I hate this plan," Kailee said, "I hate Valerie. I hate you," She added, though the last statement wasn't true, and they all knew it.

Maybe you and Scarlett can hang out, Makkari signed in a joking manner. Kailee looked as if she wanted to kill the speedster.

Scarlett and Valerie Hollister took the Elterian throne by force from their father centuries ago, and since then have ruled the planet with an iron fist. They were terrifying, and freakily powerful; Kailee wouldn't want to go up against them on a good day, much less with an inexperienced Hollister witch attracted to her side.

Everyone had their eyes on Kailee again; it had become clear this wasn't going to work unless Frankie and Kailee could work together. "Fine!" She finally exclaimed, breaking her silence, "The self destructing witch and I will deal with the Queens. But you-" She pointed her finger violently at Druig, "You are dealing with Ikaris afterwards. I want no part in that".

"Deal," Druig replied instantly. "We can do that".

"Land this bird," Kailee instructed, "We have a bastard to go save". 


(1200 words)

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