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It took the combined efforts of Druig and Kailee almost an entire week to track down Makkari and where she had dropped the Domo for safe keeper. She was still occupying the ship, after returning to Earth on a short break from her mission to save other Eternals from their goals in other universes.

Kailee had to give it to the girl, she sure knew how to hide a massive spaceship. After collecting Frankie and Sprite from their place in London, the four made their way across the English Channel before hitting France, and going west to the Celtic Sea. It took some bribing, but eventually Kailee and Druig were able to convince some fishermen to take them out to sea (Druig did resort to mind control, a fact Kailee looked down on but couldn't argue with). Eventually, after hours upon hours of travel, the Domo revealed itself to the group, and they boarded without issue.

Kailee found herself experiencing déjà vu as she entered the ship, her mind flashing back to when they had first found out about the emergence and were on course to find Makkari. Times had been simpler then, she relished, with everyone besides Ikaris under the impression that they were a team with a common goal. Alike last time, Makkari had done what she saw necessary to make herself comfortable within the Domo, leaving the ship in complete disarray.

Kailee, Sprite, Druig and Frankie moved carefully through the ship, Sprite sticking by Frankie as if the two were connected at the hip. Kailee felt for them; it couldn't be easy having to deal with this all again, especially now that Sprite was human, and no longer with access to their powers.

"So, how long haven't you been speaking with Makkari for?" Kailee asked, leaning towards Druig slightly as the two picked their way through the mess, "Because you have made a point of going no contact these past couple years, which I must add hurt me," She continued, pressing her hand to her heart dramatically, "I thought we were bound by our strange connection to death, Druig, you've really let me down".

She was joking, Druig shoving her lightly, playfully. He came to wonder how he had lived all these years without her sarcastic comments and dramatic monologues. He had missed her, he realised; more than he had anticipated.

"How did you even know we were fighting in the first place?" Druig asked, realizing that he had never told Kailee that he and Makkari were in a bit of a tough spot at the moment, "As you said, we haven't had contact since the disbandment''.

"Makkari, unlike you, knows how to use a pen," Kailee replied simply. Druig made a disapproving noise, Kailee promptly ignoring his disdain. Makkari was lounging in the common area of the Domo, and when the speedster laid eyes on Kailee and Druig, she was up in an instant.

She flew like the wind towards Kailee, knocking both herself and the harbinger of death to the ground in a tight embrace. Kailee absolutely lost it at the interaction, laughing loudly as she and Makkari wriggled around on the floor like children, limbs intertwined.

Druig watched the scene unfold from the threshold, leaning against the doorway in annoyance. "Perhaps we could stop acting like children and actually get to work," He said bitterly, speaking directly to Kailee, though signing his words to ensure Makkari was also able to understand, "I don't particularly want to deal with this for weeks, so the sooner it's resolved, the sooner we can all get back to our lives".

The two girls stood with grace, as Makkari signed to Kailee, What is he going on about? Kailee glanced Druig's way, but the boy was making a point at ignoring Makkari.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇, 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu