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"What the hell is happening?" Frankie exclaimed as she watched her blood seep from her skin. It dripped down her arm, leaving faint trails of blue down her pale skin. Druig was now crouched beside her, gently touching around the cut to see if it was tender.

"Do you know what this is?" Sprite asked, who had taken to pacing the room again. Frankie sat amongst collapsed equipment, confusion out of her mind as Druig muttered possibilities under this breath.

"Does someone want to explain to me what the hell is going on right now?" Frankie asked, "Because I don't know you," She said pointedly, glaring at Druig, "And I have never bled blue blood in my life".

Druig and Sprite exchanged a glance, Druig nodded at Sprite's silent question. "The magic has only begun to manifest, which is good," he tried to sound encouragingly, before adding, "And also partly bad".

"Why? Why good and bad? Can someone explain please?" Frankie asked in a pain.

Sprite rubbed their hands together with worry, as they watched their friends deal with what was happening. "Yeah, yeah, why good and bad?" They asked, peering down at Druig.

Druig shuffled away from Frankie, wanting to give the girl some space. "It's good because it means it's only just begun. You can learn control, most likely continue to lead a normal life," He answered, trying not to add worry to their already growing concern.

"And the bad?" Frankie asked, not seeming convinced.

Druig looked to Sprite as if to ask permission to answer. Sprite nodded. "You are displaying more power than I have ever seen and there is a very high chance it's only going to continue to grow".

"Okay," Frankie said, nodding fast, "Alright. And that's that".

Druig looked back to Sprite, surprised to see how well the girl was taking all this information in. Sprite stared at their friend in disbelief.

Frankie pursed her lips before exclaiming, "How the fuck do we fix it? Because I don't want it, you...you need to fix it, fix me, please. Do it now, Mr Random Ass Guy who Sprite Supposedly Knows, Mr All The Damn Answers, fix me, goddamn it".

Druig could only shake his head, however. "I can't," he replied, "I'm sorry, but I don't know how. I don't know why this is happening or how to stop it". As he spoke, his mind began to weigh on him. It was like somebody was squeezing it, like they had reached into his skull and began to slowly squeeze his brain together. The pain built quickly, his vision turning black as he yelled for aid. The last thing he felt was Sprite's hands on his arms, before the world went black.

"He isn't dangerous, is he?"

Druig's mind was in shambled. He could hear distorted talking around him, and slowly, the cold floor began to slowly touch his limbs. He couldn't move, completely paralyzed wherever he was, simply stuck in time.

"No, he isn't dangerous".

He tried to make out the voices. The world was still a dark black, with no light even cracking the thick wall.

"How sure are you about that? Because this all started when he turned up at our door".

"He isn't dangerous, I swear".

Frankie. And Sprite. He could make out their voices, barely, but there was a third. Another, almost like a whisper, behind Frankie's voice. He could barely hear it, but the whisper laced Frankie's word, making it difficult to make out.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇, 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora