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Druig was unknown to the location of the Domo, and he was unsure if he's fellow Eternals knew it's position either. He knew taking Sprite and Frankie with him as he tried to find the ship would be dangerous, so he made the decision to leave them in the apartment; at least there he knew they would be safe, unless Frankie's power got out of control and Sprite was forced to flee for their own safety.

After bidding goodbye to the two young adults, Druig took his leave. He was part way down the corridor when his eyes glazed over a beautiful seventeen year old girl, dressed in chunky black boots, a flowy, flowery skirt and a tight little black shirt. Thrown over her shoulders was an aged black leather jacket, her hair tied up in a loose bun on her head; Kailee.

He didn't recognize the girl at first. He hadn't had contact with her since the disbanding of the Eternals on the beach, after Ikaris' betrayal and exit. She had always been at the back of his mind, chiming in on his decisions and choices, though Druig knew that wasn't actually Kailee, simply a version of her which had been created with his mind.

"Kay!" He exclaimed suddenly, as his mind processed what he was seeing. He spun back around, leaping forward as he grabbed the girl's arm, forcing her to turn to face him. "Why are you here?" He asked, knowing full well she was clueless to the danger Ikaris was in.

She shrugged his arm off, before narrowing her eyes and looking back and forth between Druig and Sprite's apartment door in quick intervals. "Wha....?" She barely managed the word, her mind too overwhelmed with confusion about what was happening.

"What's wrong?" Druig asked, watching as his friend tried to make sense of the situation. "Kailee?" He asked, but she held her hand up to silence him. He focused on her for a few moments, his mind turning over itself trying to figure out what was wrong; the answer hit him like a snowstorm. "What does she look like?"

"Excuse me?" Kailee snapped, turning her attention back to the mind reader.

"Frankie, is she light like us, or does darkness surround her?"

Kailee shook her head with uncertainty. "I don't know. I can feel Sprite, they're clear, but the other one.....it reminds me of Sersi and Ikaris".

"What does that mean?"

"When they were together, when they came to get Phastos and I, it was after Ikaris had killed Ajak. I came back from Alaska and his darkness...it was fighting her light, attacking it as if it wished to consume it," Druig could tell something was happening, that Frankie's ever growing power was already beginning to weigh on Kailee's mind, as it did his. Whether it was a little bit or a lot, darkness was beginning to consume Frankie's heart; Druig knew that just by watching his friend struggle to make sense of it all. "It's like two serpents attacking one another; both intelligent and strong in their own defense, with no clear idea of who the winner shall be".

Druig didn't like the sound of that. "You mean you can't tell which is going to consume the other - whether Frankie is going to self-destruct on us, or if she can learn to control this power of hers".

Kailee looked at the boy as if he was delusional. "There is no containing this, Druig," She told him, watching him as pity filled her eyes; he had always just wished to do good, to teach society that bloodshed and violence wasn't the answer, and yet every time, that's exactly how it ended. "Her power will reach unimaginable levels, and she will wipe us all out, whether the darkness wins or not".

She went to move towards Sprite's apartment, but Druig caught her wrist before she could make any real headway. Kailee strained against him, but they both knew he was stronger than she was, in the sense of physical strength at the very least. Eventually, she let out a disgruntled groan and whirled around so she was facing him once more.

𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇, 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now