"Okay." She croaks out.

"Okay." I smile. "Come here." I open my arms and she crawls into my embrace. I just hold her. She sobs into my chest, clinging at my shirt, shaking and mumbling. "It's okay." I run my hands through her hair, shushing her, rubbing small circles on her back. I just hold her. Never wanting to let go.

"It's not fair." She mumbles into my chest, gripping at my shirt.

"I know, baby. I know." I kiss her hair. Rocking her back and forth, she starts to quiet.

"I hate her." She whispers. "I hate that she brought you all into this."

"It's okay. If she didn't, we wouldn't have been able to protect you." I lean back a little to look at her face. "Mom and Dad are trying to find a way to keep you here." She peeks up at me.

"Really?" More tears flood her eyes.

"Mhm." I smile down at her.

"Thank you." She wraps her arms around me, softly crying out thank yous, over and over again. She shouldn't have to ask to be saved. Every child should feel safe and loved. It puts literal pain in me to know that she never had that.

After what felt like no time at all, the windows were dark orange. Hours have passed, and I remember she hasn't eaten anything.

"You need to eat." I whisper in her hair.

"I don't want to see anyone." She answers. I understand that. When I get upset I don't want to see anyone either. But she needs to eat. I slowly stand up, feeling my body stiff from sitting on the floor for hours. Yep. Definitely sat too long. I rub my back, stretching everything out. She just looks up at me, confused. I smile at her, and I bend down and scoop her up, lifting her to the bed. I gently sit her down.

"While I'm getting us food, you need to drink something. I made you tea earlier, which is probably cold, but you need something." I tuck the wild hair around her face behind her ear, earning a small smile from her. She grabs the sides of my face and pulls me in.

A sweet, small, gentle kiss. It's all I need.

"Thank you." She runs her hands down my arms, holding my hands. "Thank you Jake." She smiles.

"Of course." I return the smile, kissing her cheek before I leave the room. Walking into the kitchen I see Mom standing there, wine glass in hand.

"Drinking wine already?" I chuckle.

"It's tequila." She answers, still staring out into space.

"Oh." I awkwardly smile. "Well. Enjoy your tequila." Mom hums, and walks out of the kitchen. I start rummaging through the fridge, trying to find something for us to eat, when I hear foot steps behind me.

"Where were you?" I turn around and see Josh.

"Uhm.." I try and think of an answer. "I was outside."

"Outside?" He questions. "All day?"

"Mhm." I nod. "Yeah. I just was pissed off and I didn't want to be in the way, so I just stayed outside." He nods.

"Okay." He sighs. "Have you talked to bailey?"

"No. Not yet." I turn back around, screaming at myself to find something quick so I can get out of here.

"Oh." I hear him behind me. "This whole thing sucks."

"It does." I answer, feeling myself start to feel angry again.

"I went to go check on her a little bit ago." He says. I spin around.

"Oh?" I stare at him.

"Yeah. She was crying. Like really crying. I wanted to go in and help her, but mom said to give her space." He starts fidgeting with the stuff on the counter.

"Well. I'm sure she will come out soon." I smile at him. "She's a tough girl. You just gotta give her time." He nods, a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad you guys are slowly becoming friends." He chuckles. Well, we are, 'friendly', to say the least.

"Yep. Friends." I awkwardly smile at him.

"Well. I gotta go do some stuff in the garage. See ya later Jakey." He leaves the room, and i outwardly exhale.

"Well. That was a close one." I hear from behind me. I spin around again and I'm met with Sam.

"Sam." I sigh.

"That for her too?" He nods to the plate.

"Yes." I look at him. He smirks, getting into the fridge, and finding a tucked away slice of single serve cheese cake. He slides it on the counter and nods.

"Tell her it's from me." He smiles.

"Will Do." I smile back. I start to leave the kitchen but Sam speaks up.

"By the way," I turn my head. "Earlier, I told Josh you were outside." He smirks, and points to the cheesecake, then to me before walking away. I definitely need to give Sam a raise.

I walk back into my room, handing Bailey the plate of food.

"Thank you." She nods at me.

"Oh." I place the cheesecake next to her. "From Sam." She looks up at me and smiles.

"I'll tell him thank you." She starts with the cheesecake first, shoving it in her mouth like she hasn't eaten for days.

We just sit like that. Munching on food, quietly talking. Just enjoying each other's company. She slowly started to feel like home. Like I belonged wherever she was. It was crazy how I felt what ever she felt. I only had that with Josh, but now it's with her. It's surreal how much you fall for someone. It's scary, not knowing how far you'll fall, or even, if they fall for you. But at the same time, it's exciting. Feeling everything bloom with new meanings and purpose, all because of that one person. And there's no other person I rather experience this with. She's becoming my person. My world. And she doesn't even know.

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