One Year Later...

Start from the beginning

While drunk at a fitting, Amber told Donna and Stella the royal secret. When she got sober, she threatened them with immediate execution and they knew to keep thier mouths shut. As much as Amber saw them as sisters, the royal secret was more important. Even Donna and Stella agreed. Since Stella knew, I felt safe with discussing the night before.

"No. It can't be. Please don't tell me you're talking about that, that monster. He's still alive!?" My answer was a nod and a serious look in my eyes. 

Stella covered her mouth in shock. "Oh no. If Lynn or Reilly go into the mirror, he'll surely kill them. Or worse." Stella breath hitched stooping her from talking about that possibility. I lowered my eyes, she was right to be afraid of both outcomes. "I know. I placed the mirror under heavy security. No one but me is to go in that room." 

Stella took my hands and looked at me pleadingly. "I insist you tell the guards to bring Reilly to the castle. She should be with you and Lynn." I shook my head at her. "No Stella. For now, she might be safer in the village. Especially with Charles."

In said village, Reilly and Charles were in the florist shop. They already filled five baskets worth of red roses. "This was Amber's favorite flower. I know Natalia is covering everything in black so hopefully this will add a pop of color." Charles nodded at her. "My Lady, if I may be so bold as to ask, why didn't you order the Royal Florist to get the roses?" Reilly shook her head.

"I wanted to get out of there Charles. Some days the air is so thick, I can barely breathe. The atmosphere is just so gloomy and depressing. And I already know what Natalia's going to say. I don't want to hear or feel that sorrow. Never again." Charles nodded at her again. "I understand my Lady."

"I'm also a bit on edge because something took me out of focus of the future. I only saw up until the memorial. But hasn't happened since, oh no. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about it!" As Reilly was hyperventilating, Charles gently grabbed her face and stared into her eyes intensely. "Look at me. It's going to be alright my Lady."

Reilly was completely transfixed on his eyes. She couldn't stop staring into them. "Can we stay here a little longer, please Charles?" He smiled at her. "I could never deny your request, my Lady." Reilly flushed then took his hand and they walked out of the florist into the hustle and bustle of the Kingdom's village.

Lynn's POV

In the Palace, Donna was giving me a run through of what was going to happen at the memorial. A loud bang was heard outside my door and when I looked to see what it was, thee guards were picking up a metal gate. Once they picked it up they began to move again. Usually that kind of gate was meant for the outside if the castle. What was it doing being taken inside?

I walked out of my bedroom and addressed them. "What is going on? Where are you taking that?" After they bowed before me, the older one spoke first. "That is confidential information your grace." I cocked my head. "Is something wrong?" Almost nothing was a secret in this castle. And it was very uncommon for a guard to keep something hidden form a member of the royal family. "None whatsoever. We are under orders from her majesty the Queen." The men bowed again and quickly walked down the hall.

I turned to Donna. "Natalia never kept anything from us. Why would she start now?" I wondered. I wanted answers and I was going to get them. "Donna, I'm following them." Donna's widened in panic. She grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me back into the bedroom. "No you cannot. You must stay here Lynn. You cannot go anywhere in this Palace alone! I forbid it!" As hard she pulled, it was in vein. I got my hand out her grip and Donna fell to her knees in defeat. 

I couldn't believe her audacity. Holding me back like I was a baby and not the nineteen year old Princess of Zodious. I started down at her sternly. "You are in no position to order me around Donna. I will follow them and you will stay here. Understood?" 

The Zodiac Sisters (UNDER REEDIT)Where stories live. Discover now