Chapter 7: Mirror Duplicates

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Inside of a camera room, Discord was standing alone looking at all the camera screens that were showing live videos of the cameras that were in the House of Mirrors. He was watching The Main Eight closely interacting with each other, as each of them were split up into several groups.

"Perfect." Discord said, looking at the camera screens. "Everything looks like it's going in top shape, here."

He then smirked. "My work here is done." After he said those words, he got his cane and tapped it onto the floor hard.

As his cane tapped onto the floor, it released what looked like to be magical energy that spread around into the House of Mirrors. The magic energy released underneath the small creak of the door.

It scattered into different directions, towards where each group from The Main Eight was at.


"Huh? Did you feel that?" Sunset Shimmer looked confused. She stopped walking. What she didn't know was that her intuition; was feeling the Equestrian magic that had just barely entered into the House of Mirrors.

"Feel what, Sunset?" Fluttershy asked. "Why did you stop walking?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Spike asked Sunset.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just.." Sunset said. "I don't know how to explain how I feel?"

"You don't know how to describe it into words?" Fluttershy asked Sunset.

"Yeah, that's what I mean. I just, feel really weird now. All of a sudden." Sunset said. "But I can't put my finger on what it is? If that makes sense?"

"Oh, I see." Fluttershy said to Sunset, to make her feel better. "Why don't we keep on walking more, together? And if you start not feeling well. We can leave right after the carnival? Does that sound okay with you?" 

"Yes. That sounds great with me." Sunset agreed with Fluttershy.


"Hey, Applejack! Look at this." Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out, while looking at a distorted reflection of herself in a mirror.

"Oh come on, Dash." Applejack said. "You're being so silly. Stop messing around for once. I know we're supposed to be enjoying ourselves here. But, we can't spend too much time in this House of Mirrors. Or else, we'll get lost."

"Yeah. I see your point in." Rainbow stared at her reflection while still speaking to Applejack (who was standing in the background). Equestrian magic entered the mirror and showed a faded reflection of herself that was faded in color.

"Woah, what is that?" Rainbow was weirded out to see her dull-pale reflection in the mirror in front of her.

"Aj, look at this. I think there's something wrong with this mirror?" Rainbow pointed to the mirror with her finger.

"Yeah, right." Applejack rolled her eyes while her back was turned to Rainbow. "You have to learn to stop messing around with me, gurl." As she said, Rainbow saw her weird reflection in the mirror again.

"There it is again!" Rainbow shouted. "And I'm not messing around." She stopped looking at the mirror in front of her. And made eye contact with Applejack, who was standing behind her. "And I'm being serious, this time."

"You know, I don't fool around when anything magical happens." As Rainbow was speaking, she was distracted from her surroundings. "That is in serious danger--" She was cut off when a pair of hands from behind her, pulled her into the mirror. And covered her mouth, making her voice muffled.

"Huh?" Applejack didn't know what caused Rainbow to stop talking. "Rainbow? Why did you stop talking? Are you doing this to scare me? If so, this isn't funny."

"Applejack!" Rainbow shouted. "Turn around."

Applejack followed Rainbow's voice and turned around. Her jaw dropped open in awe, when she saw that Rainbow was inside of the reflection of the glass mirror. "You are in the mirror!?" Applejack said. "So... you weren't joking?"

"Yeah. I wasn't joking." Rainbow glared at Applejack.

"Oh. Whoops. My bad, Dash." Applejack blushed from embarrassment. She felt like an idiot that she ignored her truth earlier.

"Whatever. Save the apology for later! Just... get help and GET ME OUTTA THIS MIRROR!" Rainbow shouted. "I don't like being stuck in here."

"Okay. I will." Applejack said. "One question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"How did you get stuck in this mirror?" Asked Applejack, to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow gasped when she saw her dark mirror reflection-duplicate standing behind Applejack. "Look out!" She gave her a warning.

Applejack turned around to see what Rainbow was talking about. She saw a human-like clone of Rainbow (who was in a faded color of the original Rainbow Dash). She wasn't fast enough to act since the Rainbow-clone pushed her into a mirror that was near by. "That's two down to go."

An Applejack-duplicate walked out of the mirror (that the original Applejack was trapped in). And she started walking with the Rainbow-duplicate. "Come on, Rainbow. It's time for us to let the other reflections out. And trap all the originals, while we're at it."

As the Rainbow and Applejack clones walked away down the continuing path of the House of Mirrors; the original Rainbow and Applejack were screaming for help as the they banged their hands on the mirrors that they were trapped inside of. "HELP!"

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