Bryson furrowed his brows and cocked his head while he studied me. "But he's... different..."

"So?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "So am I." I shrugged. "I might be a lot more different than him."

Both Bryson and May looked at each other but didn't say a word about my statement. They had this silent conversation between the two of them that I wasn't a part of, and I groaned and leaned back in my seat, interrupting them.

"Stop with the silent conversations," I complained when they looked at me. "I hate it. I know that you two are talking about something, and I am sure that it has to deal with me. However, I don't know what, but I will figure it out sooner if you continue to do them in front of me."

Even though I am pretty sure that those looks have to deal with me being Cassandra and all, but you two don't need to know that I already know that, I added silently, making sure that my face was blank.

They did not respond and looked at each other before they looked at me.

Bryson opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the door to the office opening, and Cal and Principal Warner appeared, with Cal scowling and looking very annoyed.

"Mr. Kristen," Principal Warner said, sounding shocked to see the 6'4 male. He quickly recovered and cleared his throat. "Aren't you supposed to be in class, Young Man?" he asked in a stern tone.

Cal looked nervous to see Bryson as well, but his expression quickly changed when he noticed me looking at him. He scowled and narrowed his eyes, and I grinned but didn't say a word while I turned my attention back to Bryson and Principal Warner.

Bryson grew colder while he looked at Cal and stood taller. His face became a mask, and I watched him become someone vaguely familiar, cold, dark, and unreadable. "I am," he said coldly. "However, I wanted to check on Miss Lanchester considering that I am her "buddy" for the time being." He gestured towards me, not looking at me.

I held back an eye roll and looked at May to see her rolling her eyes at Bryson, mimicking the behavior that I wanted to do.

May looked at me and grinned mischievously, and I narrowed my eyes and scowled, telling her to behave herself.

Her grin grew wider, and before either of us could laugh, we looked at the scene playing out before us, watching both Principal Warner and Cal become nervous underneath Bryson's cold gaze.

"Bryson," I called out, and the male turned his cold gaze towards me. I pressed my lips into a thin line, unimpressed by his behavior, and stared at him with the same hard gaze he was giving them. "Parlez-vous français? (Do you speak French?)" I asked.

Bryson tried to hold the gaze longer but couldn't. He looked away and cleared his throat, growing angrier. "Oui, (Yes,)" he replied in the same cold manner.

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Alors détendez-vous, (Then chill the fuck out,)" I said.

May bit back a snort, and she cleared her throat while we looked at her. She didn't say a word and smirked before she turned back to her tasks at hand.

I rolled my eyes and scowled at her before I looked at Bryson and grew serious. "Il n'y a pas besoin d'être aussi distant. (There is no need to be so standoffish.)" I paused and cocked my head while I studied the male before me. "Il n'est pas non plus nécessaire d'avoir si froid pendant qu'il fait son travail, (There is also no need to be so cold while he is doing his job,)" I said, my voice growing softer and not as stern.

Bruson hesitated and looked at me. He stared at me with a mask on his face before it finally broke, and he looked nervous and angry as if he knew that he should be in class but wanted to make sure that I was safe too.

He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and he couldn't decide which option would be the best one, especially since he was caught skipping class.

Principal Warner looked between us, and I had a feeling that he understood half of what we were saying to each other, even though he couldn't understand everything. He cleared his throat, and we looked at him. "Would it be possible if we talked in English?" he asked.

"Non, (No,)" I replied, "car cela ne te regarde pas (for this doesn't concern you.)"

"Cassidy," May warned with a small smile on her face and amusement in her eyes while I looked at her. "Je parle français. Je peux traduire pour lui. (I speak French. I can translate for him.)"

"Mais vous ne le ferez pas, (But you won't,)" I said and winked, earning a chuckle from the older female and a slight nod to confirm that I was right; she wouldn't tell him what we were saying.

I cleared my throat and grew serious while I turned my gaze back to Principal Warner. "Were you ready to see me?" I asked, changing the subject. "Bryson was just leaving. He wanted to make sure that I was safe and not hurt since he had witnessed the "fight" with his father, who was in the car with him."

Cal stiffened and set his jaw. He looked nervous, as if the thought of having someone see him being an ass to me made him nervous.

However, I knew that the threat wasn't going to make him not stop being an ass to me as long as someone didn't see it or know about it.

But maybe a bit of blood would...

I pressed my lips into a thin line while I studied Cal before I looked at Bryson and raised an eyebrow, silently signalling for him to leave and to get to class.

Bryson pressed his lips into a thin line and slowly nodded, indicating that he was going to do what I told him to do. He cleared his throat and looked at Principal Warner, his face blank and void of any emotion. "I am going to class," he said. He looked at May and raised an eyebrow. "Can y-"

"Already on it," May said, interrupting him while she turned towards the computer and got him an absent note for Charlie.

"Bu-" Principal Warner stopped talking for some reason and cleared his throat while he looked away. "Of course," he said solemnly. Again, he cleared his throat and looked at me. "Please step into my office," he said. "I will be out there shortly."

I pressed my lips together and nodded while I stood. "Of course, Principal Warner," I said and cleared my throat. I looked at Bryson to see that he was looking at me. "I'll see you in class."

Bryson took his gaze off of Cal and Principal Warner and looked at me, his eyes cold and hard.

Like mine, his eyes had specks of gold in them that I found interesting, but I made sure that he didn't know I saw it because I had a feeling I wasn't supposed to.

May cleared her throat, and I had a feeling that she caught what I saw. She handed the paperwork to Bryson when he looked at her and gestured for him to calm down because of his eyes.

Bryson closed his eyes and took a deep breath, flaring his nostrils to get more air into his lungs. Slowly, he let it out and cleared his throat while he took the paper from May.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he looked at me. He tried to offer me a smile while he nodded, but it turned more into a grimace. "I will see you in class," he said.

And with one final warning look at Cal and Principal Warner, he walked away without a single glance back.

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora