I smiled watching them all sip them down. Ehren's was 98% Everclear and like 2% pineapple juice and you could see on his face just how much he 'enjoyed' that one. No one else complained though and Ry even said,

"Damn y/n, this is good as hell. maybe I should have you make me drinks more often." I smiled at him then it hit me. Instantly my vision split and I felt the warm fuzzy feeling I had become so well acquainted with. I sat down as Ry's smile grew even wider.

"So uh about the thing we wanted you to do with us. Roman candle tag tonight. please?" I quickly agreed, not remembering what that was. Everyone cheered and lifted me, almost throwing me into the ceiling. We all kept drinking and just kept getting louder and founder, and so was my ganja. I decided to go outside because at this point it was screaming my name. I smoked two bowls just sitting on the ground in the backyard, taking in nature. 

When I walked back inside, Ry knocked into me and he was drunk as hell. I can't really say anything considering I was now seeing quadruple vision. Everything was spinny and fun. We Turned on some music starting with "Summer Love" by Justin Timberlake. Like the drunks we are, we screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs. I started dancing around and somehow ended up over at Ry when suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in singing

"and tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl"

I felt my cheeks flush red, well, they were already red but now it was more from the blushing than the alcohol. We started dancing and singing together as all the guys were jumping and singing around us, sneaking thumbs up at Ry when they thought I wasn't looking. The next song was a big change of pace from the last, but it was rightfully Ry's turn so we didn't complain. "Tear You Apart" by SHE WANTS REVENGE. I definitely wasn't going to complain since this was the kind of music I would blare in my room staring at my ceiling thinking of some not-so-clean thoughts. 

Next thing I knew I was performing a whole show for the boys. I got down on the ground and they were so entranced they sat on the floor. Now I was the center, the center of them, the center of attention, all eyes on me. I got into a low crawl and started going towards Ry. He is my victim for the night, it was decided at that moment. I sat towards him on his lap running my fingers along his chest, leaning right into his ear, and whispering along with the song.

"I wanna fucking tear you apart" 

As the song ended, I stood up and winked at Ry. If he was going to do what he did, I'm going to be a bitch all night. We kept drinking and by the time we took an actual break, it was around 9. We still had seen no sign of Bam or Jenn, but we certainly heard them. I was honestly so disgusted at this point that I decided to sit outside again. I was watching the sunset when Ry walked up and thumped down next to me.

"You're the least graceful person I know, well next to myself." I laughed and nudged him on the shoulder.
"I never said I was coordinated." He playfully stuck his tongue out at me and laughed. After that, we just laid down silently watching the sun disappear and the moon become more vibrant in the sky. 

Everyone started showing up around midnight and now the party was on. The boys and I started drinking again, me and Ry now just making each other's drinks. Finally, Bam came downstairs when the house was nearly packed, the only reason I knew that was because I heard a crowd of girls scream accompanied by a shirtless white boy going into the living room. The living room and kitchen are connected but I tried to pay as little mind to him as I could.

Ry sat across the counter from me just speaking some random gibberish since he could no longer form proper words. After a moment he finally says something understandable.

"Dark. outside. Roman Candles!" Ry sprinted out of the house.
"God fucking dammit." I pushed my chair back and started chasing after him, I shoved so many people that I just stopped saying sorry. I hopped over some drunk dude passed out on the concrete and continued running not really thinking about how close Ry was going to be to me. Next thing I knew we were both on the ground, My shoulder now pulsing with pain but I brushed it off when I heard Ry's contagious laughter next to me. I broke out in a scream laugh which just sent us both spiraling. When we were done we sat up and he took my face in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him confused and inside I was panicking. No, I don't want to kiss Dunn, well I do but I think it's just the alcohol. Oh god.
"Just this." He wiped my tears of laughter off my face and I smiled. At least he didn't try to make a move, only a second later I wiped his with my thumbs. He jolted up and walked over to a huge box of fireworks smiling handing me two Roman Candles.

"everything goes, no rules. Let's get the other guys and the safety goggles and light this bitch up" He threw his hands in the air holding about 7 more Roman Candles, enough for everyone except for Bam. He saw me look at him confused.
"He spent all day with his girly friend, he doesn't get to have fun with us." He threw his arms over his chest. I laughed and we gathered all the boys together, excluding Bam, honestly, I don't think he even knew we were doing anything. I took off my shirt and just had on my bra not wanting to ruin my shirt

We all gathered in a small circle, backs to each other.
"FUCK THIS" We all took off running in different directions lighting out candles.

My first target was Steve-O, just because I'm totally currently his fav. It hit him right in the side and he ran. The next thing I saw was a ball of light flying directly behind me, then pain. 

"OW! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I saw Dunn on the ground dying of laughter and all the other guys pointing at him letting the balls of light fly into the sky. I aimed directly for the dick, and surprisingly these things are scarily accurate. All of our candles were out and I still had my extra one, but I was saving that for later. I looked over to see Dunn dead sprinting over to me with a baseball-sized hole right in the dick area of his jeans, thankfully everything else was still intact though. I instantly dropped to my knees as I watched him jump at me, and then I got to watch him fly right over me.

All the guys were gasping through laughs trying to get air into their lungs. I got up and held my hand out to Dunn. 

"I'm faster than you think." I laughed and did a half-assed smile as I helped him to his feet again. Next, everything went quiet, and I mean everything. Bam was storming over to Ry and I,  everyone was staring. 

"Really, leaving me out of stunts now? Where the hell is my Roman Candle?" Bam got uncomfortable close to Ry but he just backed up. 
"You chose Jenn over us, so now we choose y/n over you." He smiled then got in Bam's face. "Maybe don't ditch your friends for a chick and we won't ditch you for a woman." Ry's words slashed at Bam and he just stood there dumbfounded. 

"You know what, fuck you guys." Bam turned away and I saw a perfect opportunity. I sparked the Candle and let it fly directly at his back, then quickly turning to all the other guys as one after another they got fucked up. The candle ran out and I decided my best bet now would be to just absolutely book it, So I did. I ran just barely past Bam and into the house, getting swept into a crowd of people. In the center of the crowd, I saw something of value to me. Jenn and some random dude sucking face. I took out my phone snapping a few pics and short videos, but she saw me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I slipped past so many people and up the stairs, running into the closest room I could find. I slightly underestimated just how close behind me she was though. Right as I was in the process of slamming the door shut she barreled into it. I got knocked onto my ass and she started screaming something about how Bam won't believe me even with the videos, then something I never thought would happen did. She. Swung. First.

I wiped the blood off my lip and looked up at her.
"Oh, you're fucked now." I rolled onto my toes and stood upright just to swing a right hook that connected with her jaw. She took it well, besides the now puddles of blood she was spitting at me. 
"YOU'RE A NOBODY, BAM DOESN'T FUCKING WANT YOU!" She swung again but this time I dipped under it and her fist hit the wall.
"YOU THINK THAT'S WHAT THIS IS ABOUT! YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING CHEATING WHORE!" I bolted, squeezing past her and sliding down the railing.

"YO WHERE THE FUCK IS BAM?" I yelled out over the crowd. I saw someone with a huge burn hole in the back of their shirt. Bingo. I sprinted after him out the door as I heard footsteps clunking behind me.

"BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!" I shoved past people screaming his name and finally, he turned around to look at me. I was now out of breath but I just unlocked my phone, pulled up my gallery, and handed it over to him. His face dropped and I shattered. He shoved my phone back into my face and stomped back towards the house.

Livin La Vida BamWhere stories live. Discover now