[six] where home sweet home is

Start from the beginning

"You're so slow," I called to her, teasingly.

"It explains why I was never on the swim team," she answered as she caught up to me. I laughed and together we made our way to the dock. The mid afternoon heat kept us warm as we left the water and headed for our towels. "Do you know what time it is?"

I shook my head and wrapped my towel around my neck. "No phones, remember?" I said, laughing when Riley put a hand to her chest and released a mock pained sigh. "Hey, it's not that bad," I countered. "You're getting an early tan for the summer time."

"Which means early tan lines." She pushed the straps of her bikini top to the side and grimaced as she saw a distinct pale line.

The tan lines and no technology rule didn't bother me. A simple getaway like this one was a great refresher from the routine that I'm so accustomed to. It was hard to recall the last time I felt this loose.

"I actually might need to sneak my phone away for a bit," I mused, taking in the scene of the lake. "I saw that Katie texted me. It said 'send me pictures' or something along those lines, so I want to get some pictures before we head back."

Riley smirked and nudged me with her elbow. "Mind getting mine, too?"

8:59 pm

I opened the drawer besides my bed and took out Archie's college hoodie. My heart restricted slightly at the sight of it, but I reminded myself that it was just a piece of fabric that will keep me warm. Riley had knocked on my door a moment before and slipped my phone under the crack. She then sent me an incoming text that said, "Take care of business by the lake."

I smiled, sending her a quick thank you text before quietly padding down down the stairs. The light of my cellphone was especially bright in the darkness of the cabin. Everyone was in their claimed rooms, getting an early night's sleep as we were heading back to the house tomorrow. Well, Riley's most likely on her phone and will be there for another few hours.

My phone remained clenched around my fingers as I opened the door, grimacing at the loud creak, and slipped outside. The breeze was awfully nice, and I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as it blew against my face.

With the help of my phone's flashlight, the path to the lake was easily illuminated and was no trouble at all. The moonlight reflected beautifully off the lake's rippling waters.The sound of the water, the crickets, and just nature in general was like a symphony to my ears — an instant mood lifter. It's the reason I came out here every night. With a scene like this just a pathway down, who wouldn't take advantage of it?

Capturing the immense beauty of the lake, even if a picture wouldn't compare to the experience, was first in my priority list. I sent a couple pictures to Katie, letting her and Luca know that I was fine and thinking with a clearer head out here. I also made sure to send them to Sarah as well, since she was the person behind this brilliant idea. And, of course, they were sent to Archie, too.

Taking a seat on one of the deck chairs, I dropped my phone onto my lap and stared ahead, contemplating whether or not I should check the message he left. I wanted to keep this level of peace while on my last night out here on the lake, and I wasn't sure if the voicemails withheld potential argument starters.

Temptation was strong, though, and my resistance was weak with curiosity. I went to my voice box and went clicked on the unheard voicemail, surprised when Caroline's voice was the first to be recorded.

"Hi, Aunt Ellie! Guess what, I'm out with Uncle Archie today. He's spending the whole day with me because he missed my birthday, remember? I stole his because he went to get me another ice cream. I dropped my first one, but it wasn't very good, anyway." She giggled, making me smile and shake my head at her antics. "I just wanted to say hi. Mommy and Daddy won't tell me when you're coming home, but I hope you come home soon. I miss you! Oh —"

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