"I want to meet them when I'm normal again." She admits sadly and my heart fucking breaks.

"So just because you're not comfortable with people touching you and you get nervous when you're talking to strangers, that automatically makes you abnormal?"

Rose remains silent as she looks at me, her eyes a little ashamed of herself and I'm glad for that. Because she needs to hear that nothing is wrong with her.

"You're always so worried people will notice the things you hate about yourself, even though you've learnt to accept them. Why do you never think that they'll notice the good too?" I take step closer to her. "My family will absolutely love you because they will see how beautiful you are inside and out. They'll see how kind and sweet and selfless you are. They'll see how strong and brave you can be when you want to. They'll see how fucking happy you make me, Rose."

Her eyes get glossy with unshed tears and her bottom lip trembles slightly, and I go on. "Fuck, baby, even that dickhead of an ex you have just confessed that you've been right all along. You were never delusional, never stupid or naive like you believed."

Her eyes widen slightly, and I know that her anger and hurt toward him blinded her from looking at it this way. "You were smart enough to see what he spent months trying to hide from you. You were honest enough to admit what he couldn't. You were brave enough to try and take the risk he was too much of a coward to take. And even after everything, you were strong enough to get over it, to move on, to love again."

A couple of precious tears fall down her cheeks and I wipe them away gently, my eyes never moving from hers. "I know you're hurt and that you hate him, and fuck I wish I could punch him again for what he has done to you, but you know what? I'm fucking glad he came here today. Because now you know for sure it was never your fucking fault. You've done absolutely nothing wrong. You never hurt yourself nor did you destroy it like you believed. You no longer have to blame yourself for anything, because every single assumption you've made was right. That's how fucking smart you are, Rose."

"I..." She sniffles, "I didn't think about it like that."

"I know you didn't. And it's understandable. But I need to hear you say it. You were right all along. You were never to blame. Come on."

Her lips turn into a small shy smile, her eyes soft and still a little glossy even though she's not crying anymore. "I was never to blame."

I nod my head encouragingly and grin.

"I was right all along." She grins back at me, bouncing a little on her small feet excitingly. "I was good enough, Maddox!"

"Not good enough." I quickly shake my head. "Too good, baby. Too good for him and probably too good for me, but I'm a selfish dick and I'm never letting you go, so."

She laughs loudly at my statement before jumping right into my arms. "I love you!"

"I love you more, my angel. So much more." I shove my face in her neck and chuckle as she hugs me tighter than ever before, glad that my Rose is happy again.

Pulling back, she stares at me with a warm smile. "I can never live without you, you know that, right? You're the best boyfriend and friend on this planet, and I'm so lucky to have you by my side. If you ever let me go I'm literally going to murder you."

I laugh loudly and sit down with her on my lap. "You're insane if you think I can live without your ass. I'm marrying the shit out of you when we graduate, just so we're clear. You better fucking say yes to me, Rose."

I'm serious, and I know she gets that because her smile turns into a beautiful shy grin and she says, "I think you already have your answer, Maddox."

I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now as I capture Rose's lips in a soft, sweet kiss to seal that promise.

She pulls away soon and looks at me softly. "I want to meet them. Your family."

I grin. "You do?"

She nods her head with a cute little blush. "Just give them a hint first about the stutter and the no touching thing, because it'll be awkward to see the confusion on their faces when we get there."

"Fair enough." I nod my agreement then gather her in my arms again. "They will absolutely love you."

"Tell me more about them?" She asks, her eyes shining with excitement and nervousness alike and I grin before I tell her all she needs to know.


You ready for what's about to happen next? *wink*

Love you, and thank you all for your comments and votes!

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