With a smile, she entered and walked to him. She rested her chin over his shoulder, inching up on her toes. Her arms slowly wrapping his waist. Almost like a golden creeper catching holding of his dark skin.

"Well, how do expect me to measure which jewellery looks better on you? I simply end up looking at you and the jewellery is gone from my mind." She answered, looking at him through the mirror. He had always been the most beautiful sight to her.

He chuckled. "And people say I sweet talk."

"You sweet talk, I say what I think."


"Of course."

She moved ahead to face. Picking up one of the jewellery from each set and decorating him. She looked at him for a moment and then corrected his tilak a little which was smudged slightly.

She moved away to let him see himself. But he looked at her through. "You are there..." She pointed to his reflection in the mirror.

"I don't like it..." He answered. She looked confused.

"What do you dislike?"

"Well. What else should I like when you are there?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and started walking away. "I am not joking."


"Are you implying that I am lying?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I am implying that you're infamous for sweet words."

As she started to walked he caught hold of the ends of her pallu. She turned around and gave him a look.

"I was being serious. How is your praise acceptable and mine just 'sweet words'? I call this injustice." He complained.

"Narayana!!!" She smiled at that call. Duty calls.

"Go. They're calling you." She answered with a smile. He returned the smile.

"Garuda!!!" He called up. The bird was quick to make his appearance.

"Do try to come back before the food gets cold." She told him as they took off. She watched them disappear into the air.

When he returned back, she had fallen asleep by his dining seat with the plate set open and the dishes around with lids over them. One hand reaching out to see if they were still warm.

Even with how much this is troublesome, she wouldn't ever complain why he has to go off running to his devotees. She waits patiently for him. Always encouraging him.

He kneeled to see the sleeping goddess. A strand of hair flew over to her face. He pushed it back. That instantly woke her up.

"Oh... You're back." She stood up suddenly and the drowsiness almost made her fall but he was quick to help her.

"Careful. What's the hurry? You'll sprain your foot if you move that quickly, Chanchala."

She turned around to look at him. "You don't get to call me that." She said but regardless went to fetch a cloth to clean the plate. She returned soon. "Wash up and change your clothes. I'll get the food set up." She suggested.

He nodded and returned quickly. Surely, she would have been hungry. Not that she'd ever listen to him when he tells her to eat up before him. By the time he reached the table, everything was already set up. The food was warm.

There was one thing he knew that his home was her. She'd say that his heart is her home but wherever she it, it naturally becomes home for him.

He looked at the girl whom he caught. The golden complexion and deer like eyes. She stared at him. He couldn't remember any of the rage that filled him when he emerged from the pillar and killed the Asura. The girl who was walking around with a spear, bow and a quiver.

"Release my sister now, or we will kill you." Aja threatened him. He carefully put her down.

"Sit for a moment." He told her. She sat down on a stone. He left.

"What kind of creature is that? What demon is he? Lion face and a man's body." Aja asked, a bit disturbed.

"I don't know..." She answered. Aja looked at his cousin sister. This was odd. His sister is never like this. She is always sure of her answer. She never sounds lost like that. Like she was only half listening to him.

The half-lion returned with a few herbs in his hands and a cloth.

"This will sting a bit. You seem to have been bit by a Naga." He said. He smashed the herbs together until some of the juice from the herbs was coming out and put it on her wound.

"Aahh..." She winced, instantly holding on to his arm. The medicine caused pain like it was burning.

"It is alright. The medicine has to act on the poison so it will sting for a moment but it will heal you. Again, how did you even get yourself caught up by a Naga?" He asked her, softly chiding her for getting herself injured.

"Listen, we don't know who you are. One, you are trespassing the Chenchu forests. Two, you are using some unknown plants over my sister." Aja pointed the spear at him.

He turned to pass Aja a look. He opened his hands to show him the herbs. Aja recognised but he wasn't going to trust some odd creature who seemed to be a city dweller noting the jewellery and the silks.

"Chenchita, let's go. We have to get back to the tribe lands." Aja told her. He held her hands, tugging softly to urge her to come with him. As she started to walk away, she turned back to see him. For some reason, she couldn't stop looking at him. It was an uneasy feeling to be leaving him behind.

Narayana simply watched her getting far away from him, taken away by her family. The forest girl. The goddess he always saw decked with jewellery, wore nothing but forest wild flowers. The soft feet of his beloved walking barefoot in the harsh forest terrain. A few injures here and there from the habit of hunting.

So different from how he always saw her as. Though there were some specific changes in how she lived, one thing remained the same, the way he felt when she stands in his presence. The absolute peace and bliss.

 The absolute peace and bliss

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