Chapter 14

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*Hoseok's POV...*

How did Jungkook manage to keep this place smelling fresh and clean after creating those monstrosities?! I have no idea and I'm afraid to ask. But there's no time to worry about silly thing like that... I have to save Jimin!! The hallway looked empty, and I hadn't seen any more of the soldiers since those last two passed by my door. Before leaving, I looked around the room a little more. I found my gun, a knife, and my handcuffs. However, my taser was nowhere to be found.
I walked out of the doorway; there was nobody there. I quickly rushed down the halls to where the sound was coming from. I looked through a few windows, and saw a few kidnapped people sleeping inside... Were they even alive...? The groans began to get louder as I approached the end of the hallway.  The groans seemed to slowly stop the closer I got. Oh god... What if it wasn't Jimin? What if somebody heard me?! Lucky, there was a corner that I could duck behind to check. Nobody came around the corner, the coast was still clear. I quickly stepped over to the door where the sound was coming from. I looked through the window... Jimin! He was lying down on his back, asleep and groaning quietly. However, there was a soldier inside with him... I quickly drew my gun and knocked quietly on the cell door. After hiding against the wall and waiting for the door to open, I saw the soldier come out. I shot it in the head once, and it died instantly.
"Sweet, looks like these things will die in one hit!" I whispered to myself.
I rushed inside and ran over to Jimin, who was lying peacefully on the chamber floor.
"Oh Jimin... Don't worry, I'm going to save you...!" But as soon as I turned around, I saw two soldiers standing at the doorway. At first, I thought they were going to kill me, but they simply just shut the door. I tried shooting at them, then shooting the glass, but nothing worked. The glass was bulletproof. How did Jungkook get access to such materials?
Then, Jimin slowly started to wake up... I held him in my arms.

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