Preference: You want a hug

Start from the beginning

He laughed again, and his smile set off a bunch of butterflies. He finished his food and pushed his bowl away, turning to give me a proper hug. I leaned into his warm arms, and I swear I could've fallen asleep in that position.


I had already assembled Minho's sandwich for him, and I was waiting for him to run in and take it. He would usually grab it off the counter and stuff it into his backpack, before turning to me and giving me a quick kiss and hug goodbye. Today, that didn't happen. He grabbed it and left the kitchen without even giving me a second glance.

I decided he was probably just grumpy from waking up, or maybe he simply forgot. I didn't worry about it too much, though Frypan made a few comments about my being snappy.

Dinnertime finally swung around, and I patiently served the Gladers. Every now and then I would look down the line to see if Minho had arrived yet and reprimanded myself every time. He wouldn't be here till a little after dinner was served. I told Frypan to go sit down and that I could handle the rest of the line myself, hoping that Minho would be here a little earlier than usual so I'd get to serve him dinner. He was earlier than usual, but -just my luck- he came after I'd gotten my own dinner. It would be weird if I got up just to serve him his own bowl, which he was very capable of doing himself, and I didn't want to seem clingy.

He came and sat next to me, immediately digging in. He slurped loudly, and I didn't find it in myself to reprimand him. People started leaving as they finished, and eventually it was just him and me. I patiently waited for him to finish, and then he finally looked up at me.

"You still hungry?"

He shook his head in response, and I got up, taking his bowl with me. I dumped it in the sink and started to start washing the dishes before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sure Frypan would be fine if you didn't do the dishes this one night. C'mon, let's go take a walk," Minho said, tugging me into a hug

I rolled my eyes and laughed my consent, the sadness evaporating like dew in the morning light. I followed him into the the middle of the Glade and we laid down to look at the stars, sometimes lapsing into silence while other times we laughed and chattered. I'm not sure exactly when we went to bed, but it was hours after we should have.


Thomas got back from the maze, and I gave him a short hug before he entered the Map Room. He hugged me back, but was the first to pull away, which was unusual-I was the one who pulled away and told him to go do his maps, saying that we could cuddle after he ate dinner. There was none of that now, though, as he pulled away after a matter of seconds, disappearing behind the large, heavy steel door. I decided that he merely had a lot to do, and that he wanted to get started before he forgot anything.

I waited in our usual spot in the Deadheads for an hour, and yet he still didn't show. I walked to the Kitchen to eat my dinner, only to see that Thomas was already there. He was talking and laughing with Minho, Alby sitting next to them. Chuck was sitting by himself, poor guy, and Newt was probably off on some errand to make sure that the Glade didn't fall apart. He was very much like the Glue around here, especially considering Thomas and Gally, who if let at each other would probably destroy the Glade in record time.

I quickly grabbed dinner -noodles and steamed vegetables- and went to sit by Chuck.

"Hey, Chuckie, how ya doin'?"

He smiled brightly at me, seemingly happy that someone actually chose to sit by him. "Great, Y/N! How bout you? You were lookin' dejected just now," Chuck replied, saying the last portion of his sentence in a light fashion.

"Nah, Chuckie, I'm good. Thomas leave you here all by yourself?" I questioned, just about ready to start a riot if Chuck gave me the answer I hoped he wouldn't.

Chuck -thankfully- shook his head. "Nah, he was just already sittin' by Minho n' Alby, so I sat here." I frowned, confused as to why Thomas was here before Chuck.

The table shifted slightly as someone sat across from me and Chuck. "Hey, Y/N, how come you're not sittin' by Tommy? Swear, you guys are usually inseperable," Newt said, glancing over at Thomas.

I shrugged in response. "Dunno, he's just been ignoring me," I frowned.

Newt's face brightened slightly, and he let out a laugh. "Alright, good luck with that I guess," he responded, getting up to leave.

"What? You're not gonna help or talk to him or anything?" I asked, realizing I sounded slightly desperate but not really caring.

He laughed again. "Fine, I'll go talk to him, but I can't guarantee anything." He walked over to Thomas's table, swinging his legs over the bench and elbowing Thomas in the ribs. I couldn't hear clearly what they were saying as they were across the whole room, but I could make out their facial expressions easily.

Thomas looked genuinely confused when Newt gestured in my direction, and when he looked up he slightly blushed. He nodded, and then realization hit him like a truck, and he looked absolutely horrified. He got up and started coming over, looking so apologetic that I'd already forgiven him. Chuck saw Thomas coming over and mumbled excuses as he hurried to leave, tripping over himself and nearly dropping his nearly empty bowl of soup.

Thomas sat down next to me and peppered my face with kisses, sliding his hands into my hair.

"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N," he mumbled between kisses. "I didn't mean to ignore you, I swear, I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry..." he kept mumbling this over and over, repeating it in between kisses. I laughed a little, pulling away.

"Thomas, don't worry about it, it's fine. Already forgiven." I gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose, resting my forehead against his.

"Are you sure? I swear I didn't even realize, I just had a lot of things on my mind, and I know that's not an excuse for ignoring you, that ever should have happened, I'm so sorry-"

"-Thomas, calm down," I interrupted, stopping his rambling. "It's fine, and this is only one time. It's not your fault, don't worry about it. I'm fine, we're fine, promise." I said quietly, lifting my hand to touch the side of his face.

"Ok, ok. We're fine, I'm fine." He looked up at me through his thick lashes, and my heart fluttered, my stomach filling to the brim with hundreds of butterflies. I leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to his lips when suddenly we were interrupted by Minho.

"Alright people, break it up, break it up. Shows over, go home and have a nice night. But not too nice a night, you two." He said, pointedly looking at me and Thomas. I rolled my eyes, but got up and dragged Thomas away from the dining hall anyways.

A/N: Alright people, it's been almost 2 months since I last updated, but I'll start the next chapter tomorrow or later today. The ending word count (Not including these bolded words) is 1,973, which is a great record for me. And even though I don't like Thomas romantically, his imagine gave me immense butterflies, and it's just son fluffy, and he's so sweet in it, like honestly. Alright, bye, and have a nice night/day/afternoon, wherever you are.

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