That voice

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Sage needed some sort of punishment, so she got one.

A friend of mine owns a strip club about an hour or two away from here.

I only asked for him to send a few. And by that I meant like 5 or 6.

Not more than 20.

I didn't think there was going to be enough room for all of us, but i had to make it work somehow.

I probably should have told the strippers i wasnt planning on actually doing anything, just to make it look realistic enough for Sage to belive and get jealous.

One of the strippers pushes my down on the couch, telling me to relax and that I'm in good hands. I almost couldn't hear her over the loud music.

I'm actually not sure how that even turned on.

She's attractive, but I don't usually go for the bold type.

Ah she's awake.  About time, Sage loves to sleep in.

If it was up to her, she would never leave her bed.

I heard her yell, I just don't care what she had to say.

She goes into the kitchen, my eyes following her until i feel a few of the girls pull at my pants.

I kind of forgot they were there to be honest.

My attention goes back to Sage cooking something in the kitchen.

Our eyes hold contact for a while before she breaks it. She never breaks contact first.

It's boring after she goes upstairs, I didn't even get to tease her while she was here.

I can tell the strippers are getting impatient as one slides my sweatpants down.

Greedy Whores

It's been a few hours. No more strippers. No more flashing lights. And no more loud ass music.

I haven't seen Sage in a bit.

She hasn't come back downstairs since she made breakfast.


I grab some Tylenol and a glass of water, heading upstairs towards her room.

I can't believe I forgot about her migraines.

I was just outside her door when i  hear a muffled voice?

It sounds oddly familiar for some reason

But when i peep inside her room, I see Sage asleep in her bed.

She's not on FaceTime with anyone, her phones off and so is her laptop and tv.

So what the hell was that ?

Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I leave the water and Tylenol on her nightstand and close her door.

Aside from Sage being almost the only thing in my mind, I've had to think of colleges to apply to.

I've been wanting to talk to her about it, since I'm not planning on staying here

I can't believe Blake and I are graduating so soon.

We haven't really talked about what colleges we want to go to with eachother but we'll have to soon.

He's like a brother to me, I can't just leave him behind.

And I'll have to tell Sage eventually.

School is probably the last thing on her mind. I wouldn't be surprised if she started doing online school.

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