Chapter 1

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Jack kept looking at the sun, occasionally he’d remove his eyes and find out he was partially blind. He heaved a sigh and turned the other way. On the soft grass, nothing could be seen except a few butterflies and the image of the village. At times if the sun was low and one focused, one would seldom see the large scaled creatures flying in the skies with their riders on top. It was obvious though, that jack was a bit too early because it had only approached noon.
Being a magic warrior was something that was a basic term in this world. Once one was of age, they get to participate in the ceremony held once every year. A monumental stone known as Psyke’s stone or popularly; the choosing stone was brought to select those worthy of becoming a magic warrior. The people would organize themselves into their various clans and their people would make contact with the stone. The stone would glow to indicate that they were worthy of becoming a warrior.
It was strenuous and took too much time, at least a whole day. Many people aspired to become warriors and Jack was one of those. It was like an itch, a purpose that he had to fulfill. He would always run to hear even just a tiny little bit of news about the warriors. Anytime he saw the cavalry passing the village, he would rush just to stay at the front lines watching them. They would always emit intense auras and pressure waves that if one wasn’t strong enough to rival, they wouldn’t be able to move. The cavalry always had three caps locked letters at the skin covering their hearts. Once in a blue moon, the cavalry would camp in the outskirts of their village.
The horns were blown, it could only mean one thing; the cavalry was passing. Jack immediately jumped from the grass where he lay and hurried down the hill straight into the village. He was already late though, the crowd had already lined up at both sides of the village square leaving a somewhat large gap at the middle. Jack rushed to the crowd trying to squeeze through the gap when a hand suddenly grabbed his. The hand was familiar; it was obviously pulling him to the front. Jack’s forceful shove made the people he hit angry but they waved it off with a hiss as they knew he loved the frontlines.
“Dave!” Jack shouted, “Thanks, you know, for pulling me through a bunch of people”. Dave was Jack’s childhood friend, he, like Jack was also obsessed with the magical warriors.
“Yeah, you definitely owe me one” Dave replied smiling, “But come to think of it, the troops this time is a lot smaller”.
Jack was confused so he tried looking up front. He confirmed Dave’s thoughts, “Why though?” it didn’t look like they were going to war at all.
Dave thought for a while before answering, “Maybe it’s not big enough to be called a war or even a raid. I think it’s more like a battle that has an astronomically high chance of winning. Or maybe it’s not even a war but something else…maybe an escort. Maybe a hero ranked warrior is passing through and the warriors are like his bodyguards”.
Jack could only smile back at Dave while still focusing on the troops advancing. For a fifteen year old, Dave was incredibly intelligent. He could dive deep into tough situations and come up with a situation almost immediately.
Still Jack had paid attention and he really hoped it was the last option, if a hero ranked figure was really passing then it was more exciting. Better still, the troops should camp in the village outskirts. The troops were still coming forward; they were already right in front of the two boys. The pressure aura surrounding the troops was outstandingly strong, Jack could hardly even breathe. They passed soon though and he immediately caught his breathe. Even though he could hardly breathe, Jack had still managed to steal a look at the man in the middle. He didn’t have bulging muscles or an intimidating presence like the other commanders he had seen. The worse thing was that jack could not sense even an ounce of key aura.
Powers were known as keys in their world. The kind key aura one emitted determined their level of power that is keys. The commanders of the other large troops always emitted a large amount of key aura which made them very intimidating to approach. In this world were key auras were everything and the man having no bulging muscles or pressure aura and yet walking calmly among the warriors made him even scarier. It could be that the man had compressed his keys into an unimaginable level that they could no longer be sensed by mere peasants.
Jack turned to Dave, “You sensed it too right?” he asked.
Dave with a confused look answered back, “To be more accurate, I could not sense anything at all”.
Jack wasn’t the only one, “That man… he must be a hero ranked figure”.
Dave could only nod in response as he was still surprised that his last option was correct.
Jack removed the surprised look and changed it into that of hope, “I really hope these guys camp out” he said.
Dave smiled, he looked back at the troops and the sounds his ears heard froze him still.
The troops halted in front of the village head and the usual greetings were exchanged. The man walked to the front of the troop consisting of only seven men and a woman.
He smiled for a while before announcing, “Do you have any fit residences available, we the magic warriors will be camping in your village for a week”.
Author’s Note
Like yeah, they’re gonna live with them.
An interviewer sitting at the table with Jack on the other side
Interviewer: Why were you lying down on a hill?
Jack: Well I do it to relax
Interviewer: That’s by the way, How do you feel about the news
Jack: Pretty sure it’s amazing
Interviewer: Yeah, whatever

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