Chapter Sixteen: Nurse Jennifer Fury

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Sam woke up in the dorms and instantly shut his eyes again. Why was the light so damn bright? He tried to open his eyes again but instantly retreated under the covers at the sight of the light. It was just too much.

Sam could feel the splitting head ache drumming against his skull and he could instantly tell today was not going to be his day. He held his forehead and shivered. It was so cold in the dorms for no reason. Sam pulled the blankets closer to him and sighed, this wasn't going to end well for him. He took out his phone and called the one person who always took care of him.

"Hello?" A woman answered the phone.

Sam gave a weak smile, "Hey Mama, it's Sam."

"I know who you are Sam, I have your number saved, and I'd know my son's voice anywhere."

"Oh yeah- ACHOO! R-right."

Eva sounded skeptical. "Are you feeling alright Sammy? You sound really sick."

Sam coughed into the phone, "Yeah, I'm a little sick, but don't worry, I'll be fine. I just wanted to see how you and Kae are doing."

"We're doing as good as we can, but its not too bad. Kae's at school right now, I'm just on break at the diner right now."

"Oh yeah, I- ACHOO! Forgot about the time difference." Sam sniffled, "I'll call later on to talk to her then."

'If this stupid illness doesn't kill me first,' Sam thought. He didn't say that out loud of course, he didn't want his mother to worry.

"Don't worry if you can't, l know you're not feeling well. They better be keeping you out of any classes, and no missions until you feel better." Eva firmly instructed.

Sam smiled and his heart swelled, although not as much as his head did. "Okay Mom, I won't. Promise."

"Good. How's your team doing, and that new friend you told me about a few times, Jennifer, right?"

Sam couldn't help but give a nervous smile at the question. 'Friend' wasn't exactly the right word, but Sam didn't bother to correct her. "The team's good Mom, and Jen's amazing, really."

Eva sounded taken aback, "Oh, she's amazing is she? Samuel Alexander, is there something you're not telling me?"

Oops. Sam may have intentionally not told his mother about this particular relationship of his just yet. Still, he didn't like to lie. "Mama, come on, you're the one who told me to be nicer when talking about my friends."

"Alright, fair enough. I would love a chance to come see you and the team soon, it's been too long since I've seen your faces. I'd also love to meet the girl my son thinks so highly of."

Sam grinned, "I can't wait for you to meet her. Maybe when you get some time off work, you can come visit and meet her."

Eva sighed, "We'll see Sam, but you know I can't make any promises. Money's tight and we both know how expensive New York flights are."

"I know." Sam pouted. "I miss-."

Knock knock!

"Hey, Nova, you still in here?" Powerman called.

Sam hurriedly ended his phone call, "Oh, that's Luke. Sorry Mom, gotta go. Talk to you later, love you, bye."

"That's alright, my break's over anyway. I love you too Sammy, get better soon, bye."

Nova peeked out from under the covers and groaned, "Hey Luke. Hey Webs."

The boys walked over to their sick friend with concerned looks painting their face.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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