Chapter Sixteen Preview

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"Mhmmm." Sam cuddled closer to Jenny and let his head sink into her chest. " head aches."

Jenny tilted up Sam's head and kissed his forehead. "I know, I'm sorry. Anything I can do to make it better?"

Sam pulled Jenny closer to him, if that was even possible, and groaned again. "Just don't leeaave me."

An eyebrow was raised, "Sam, I haven't even moved."

"Good. You're never moving again." He claimed as if it was fact, before back tracking, "Well, I mean, if that's okay with you, you don't have to stay, but I mean, I'd really like it if you did-."

Jenny gave Sam another kiss on his forehead and ruffled his hair. "Its okay, I get it. You need anything love?"

Sam shook his head and spoke with a scratchy, congested voice. "No no, you're already letting me stay here. I'm really fine just staying in bed... would it be okay if I took a nap? I'm really tired."

"Of course." She wrapped Sam up in her dark blue blankets and fluffed his pillow up. Jennifer closed the curtains and set up the room for the best possible sleep, turning on a fan for effect. "This good?"

Sam patted the bed, "It'd be better if you'd come back and let me hold you."

Jenny couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes Sam gave, so she surrended and climbed back into bed with him. He instantly wrapped his arms around her and soon after fell asleep. Jenny glanced at her phone, it was almost nine-thirty, she knew she had to go check on the girls.

She climbed out of bed as gently as she could without waking Sam. He stirred and she shushed him, but Sam's arms weakly reached out for her as soon as she left. Jenny hurriedly jumped up and snatched a large pillow and placed it into her spot. Sam quickly accepted it and Jenny smiled. Seeing Sam like this was so cute to her. She shut the door behind her as quietly as she could and headed into the hall.

Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood author here! So sorry I haven't updated Pixie in a while, I've been working on some stuff for other stories, trying to better my mental health, and keep up with school. This chapter of Pixie- along with others- are all in the works and should be coming soon! Thanks for staying tuned lovlies, I'll see you again soon!

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora