Chapter Thirteen: Show Off

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"Samuel Alexander, I swear to God I'm gonna kill you." Jennifer hissed at her boyfriend. "I am not doing that."

"Just put them in the dish washer!" Sam insisted. "And don't use my legal name!"

The two had been in the kitchen together, per usual, and dishes always seemed to be a fight between the two.

"Nobody actually uses a dishwasher! My water bending is way more accurate!" Jennifer said.

"Yeah, because you spend fifteen minutes washing each individual dish!" Sam argued, "It always takes forever, and then we can't hang out as much. "

"First of all, you're being hyperbolic. And if you want this to go faster, then help me wash them, we can do it together." Jenny pointed out.

Sam face palmed, "Or neither of us could wash dishes because there's a machine that does it for you!" He pointed to the doorway, "We could be cuddling or I could take you flying, literally anything but this! Babe, it is so slow."

Jenny rolled her eyes and kept washing, swirling water around a dish, using her powers. "Sam, hand washing is way more accurate. I'm just doing it the way I was taught. I am still going to hang out with you, just be patient."

Sam groaned, "Germaphobe," but watched Jennifer finish the dishes, albeit slower than he would've liked.


He glanced down at his watch, there was a new mission from Nick Fury. "S.H.I.E.L.D., there's a bank robbery up on Ninety-Second Street. Someone go handle it."

Sam smirked at the watch, a more fun opportunity had presented itself. "On it!" He hung up his watch, picked up his helmet from the kitchen table, and suited up. Sam scooped Jenny up into a bridal carry and flew straight out the window.

"Hey! Be careful, you almost made me drop the plate, it could've gotten broken! Where are we going anyway?" Jenny asked.

Nova zoomed around the city with his water bender in his arms, "Bank on Ninety Second, there's a break in."

Jennifer nodded, "Okay, why am I here exactly?"

Nova shrugged, keeping an eye out, "Last time you came with me on a mission I did really well. You're like my good luck charm, Pixie."

That wasn't exactly a lie. Nova and everyone around him had noticed the change when Jennifer was around. Whether it was a fight, video games, training sessions, or anything Sam could be better at, he was when Jenny was around.

"That's sweet, but you don't think it'll be dangerous?" Jennifer asked, holding on tight around his neck. When they hit the block the bank was on, Nova shook his head and let Jenny down on a roof top.

He waved it off, "Relax Babe, Nova's got this. You'll be safe and sound up here. Enjoy the show, I'll be right back."

Before Jenny could protest or tell him to be careful, Nova flew down to the bank. She watched carefully as her reckless idiot of a boyfriend made a show of stopping the thieves.

"Hey guys!" He greeted with his hands behind his head, "I know Spiderman normally offers the whole 'turn yourselves in' option, but today you're dealing with me. And I got someone cute watching, so let's make this look good."

The robbers all looked confused until ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! Nova force energy was shot at each of the thieves.

"You know, you think you'd wanna rob a bank with less people!" Nova pointed out. "And you think the seven of you would've anticipated the awesome force that is Nova swooping in- OWW!"

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now