Chapter Fifteen: When Lovers Quarrel

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It was just like any other day in the Fury household when Sam came a-knocking. Jade was gone doing Jade things, Jax and Juliette were at their schools, Jamie was off at her after school program, and Jenny was cleaning up, waiting for them to all come home. Normally Jenny stopped cleaning when Sam came over, but not today when an especially dirty Nova came in through the window.

"Woah, Sam, what happened?" Jenny motioned to his costume that was caked with dirt and mud. "Your suit's all dirty, like you got in a fight with a pig, and the pig won."

"Yeah. Shriek got out of jail and sonic blasted me into the park. Mind if I hit the showers?" Sam meekly asked, holding up a bag. "I brought some clothes and everything. Its just that everyone's in the showers at the Triskellion and I've got dirt in my... everywhere."

Jenny giggled and pointed upstairs. "Yeah, follow me, I'll get you fresh towels, and you can throw your clothes in the wash if you want to."

Sam gave her a peck on the cheek. "Thanks Pix."

"Of course." Jenny helped Sam get set up in the bathroom, setting out fresh towels and soaps before leaving. "I'll be cleaning if you need me!"

"Don't wanna join me?" Sam flirted.

"Sam." Jenny scolded.

"Kidding! Kinda!" Sam placed his helmet on the bathroom sink outside the showering room and shut the door. 

As she finished cleaning up the floors, Jenny went to collect her laundry from her room, but peered into the bathroom hall room. Sam's helmet sat there on the double sink, coated in thick, wet dirt.

'Gross...' She frowned and picked up the helmet, trying to brush dirt out of the corners of the red star that sat on the top of the helmet. Jenny headed to the kitchen after she grabbed a towel and sponge from the bathroom cabinets. She placed the helmet into the kitchen sink ran some hot water over it, doing her best to clean off the gold helmet.

The front door opened and two sets of feet hit the wood floors. The kitchen door swung open and two of the Fury triplets walked in.

"Hi Jenny!" Juliette greeted happily, hugging her sister and grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet.

"Hey Jen," Jax greeted, tossing her bag into a chair and giving Jenny a kiss on the cheek. "Eww, is that your loser's helmet?"

Jenny rolled her eyes, "Be nice Mini, you know he has a name."

Jax shrugged, "I know. Jules, pass me a snack, could ya?"

"But to answer your question, yes, it is. He got into a fight downtown and crashed into some mud, I'm trying to clean the mud off his helmet while he's showering."

Jax nodded and drank some water, "Oh yeah, that dude loves his helmet. Where is he anyway? I didn't see him taking up my seat on the couch."

"Upstairs showering, and I know, I think he'll appreciate a good waxing." Jenny scrubbed the helmet harder, "You two still going to that party tonight?"

"Yep," Juliette nodded. "We're gonna get ready now. Can we still borrow your make up and Jade's fishnets?"

Jennifer paused. "Wait, fishnets?"

"Julie, shhh." Jax elbowed her sister, "She doesn't need to know everything."

"Nice try you two. Fishnets no, but make up yes." Jenny nodded.

"Booo." Jax lazily said. "Come on Jules, let's get ready." 

"'Kay 'Kay!" Juliette went to leave the kitchen.

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt