Chapter One: Pixie

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"Hey Sam!" Luke said from the couch, "Grab a controller, the girls haven't gotten here yet."

A few of the S.H.I.E.L.D. students had decided to hang out at Peter's house, and at the moment only the Ultimate's had arrived.

Sam nodded and hopped onto the game, and as he played, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Ava popped up and answered the door. "Hi Jenny, hi Jade."

"Oh hey guys!" Peter greeted.

"Hey Miss Lady! Hey Parker!" Sam recognized the fiery voice, that was Jade. They had bumped into each other at S.H.I.E.L.D. before, and it wasn't entirely pleasant.

"Hi Ava, Hi Peter." Sam's ears pricked up, this was a new, cute voice, "I made the brownies you asked for."

"Sweet, mind putting them in the kitchen?" Ava asked her.

Sam paid closer attention, and the girl responded, "Sure thing, I'm gonna get some water if that's okay?"

"Knock yourself out, cups are in the cupboard." Peter told her, sitting back down.

"Woo-hoo! Got 'em!" Sam had been so caught up eavesdropping that he wasn't paying attention the game, and Luke had completely decimated him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna to get a soda." Sam excused himself and walked into the kitchen.

Sam had seen the girl walk into the kitchen and he was instantly intrigued. He followed her into the kitchen as she put down a tray of dessert.

When she turned around, he waved, leaning in the doorway, "Hey, I'm Sam, Sam Alexander"

Jenny waved back, "Hi, I'm Jennifer. Do you know where I could get a cup?"

Sam pointed to a cupboard, "Up there." He leaned against the counter. "So you're the responsible Jennifer Fury Jess told us about. You're small for an authority figure."

Jennifer rolled her eyes, "Everyone calls me Jenny, and you're small for a hero."

Sam blushed, "Hey, I'm still growing!" He argued. Jenny laughed at him, and Sam instantly smiled back.

When Jenny reached up for her cup, Sam realized how small she actually was, and that was saying something, considering Sam had always been the shortest on his team. He watched for a second as Jenny struggled to get her cup on the top shelf. Sam chuckled before he grabbed it and handed it to her.

"You're so cute and small," He said, tilting her head up gently with his finger. "Like a pixie."

Jenny rolled her eyes, "Ha-ha. You know you're quite rude for someone who just met me. Don't you know first impressions matter Sam?" She doted, putting a finger on his nose, and Sam picked up in her flirting tones, but she also tried to sound serious. She didn't do a good job on hiding her amusement in the situation.

Sam chuckled and was able to playfully put her into a corner between counter tops. When they made eye contact, Jennifer blushed and Sam whispered in her ear, "I know. Thats why I have to make sure this is one you remember."

He gently kissed her forehead, making her face erupt into red. She hid her cheeks with her sweater sleeves. 'Dammit.' is all she could think. He smirked at his work and turned to leave the kitchen.

Once he was gone, Jenny let out a deep breath, got her water, and went back out to sit with everyone else in the living room. While she sat, Sam glanced over at her and gave her a flirting smile. Jenny gave him a little grin back, and it only encouraged Sam to keep up his teasing behavior.

Eventually Sam came and sat on the floor next to Jenny, wrapping an arm around her. He tipped up an eyebrow, wordlessly ask if it was okay. Jenny looked away but gave him a stiff nod.

"Are you mad at me?" He tapped her side to get her attention.

Jenny shook her head no, and Sam gently turned her head so they could make eye contact. He studied her face and smirked knowingly, "Are you embarassed Jennifer Fury? Never been flirted with before!"

Jenny pushed his hand off her face, but they ended up holding hands and looking at each other.

Jenny didn't know how to respond, her cool expression faded and her face was hot, but she refused to smile and give him what he wanted, satisfaction. She watched as Sam waited for a response. Jenny straightened her back to appear taller, "Its happened. You're just bad at it."

Sam was taken aback, "Go figure, the responsible one of the group is the one flirting with me."

"Sam!" Ava shouted at him, "Stop scaring Jenny!"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not scaring anyone, we're having a polite and normal conversation." Still, he got up and walked away from Jenny. Before he left, he looked back at her.

"See you later Pixie."

Jenny sat and smiled to herself, and she had a funny feeling that this wasn't the last of her interactions with Sam Alexander.

But maybe that wasn't quite a bad thing.

Thanks for reading guys, feel free to message me with suggestions, have a great day :)

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora