May, 2018: FRIENDS

Start from the beginning

Wendy was always level-headed when it was the most needed, despite her high tendency of speaking as if she swallowed megaphones, when it came to dealing with people personally, Wendy was on a high level. It might come from her kind-hearted nature and for that, probably Wendy could help enlighten and broaden her horizon in that new realm she had never dipped her toes into. Then, all she needed to do was to tell her story subtly but also clearly, it was the least of her intention to create an unnecessary ruckus—yes, Seungwan-ah, I like someone, yes, yes it is an idol, no, no it is not a male idol, it is a female idol, so the scenarios went in her head.

"Something on my face, eonni?"

"No—uh—no your face—face is fine. Gorgeous," Irene was caught off guard that she turned into a stuttering mess, she did not even realise she had been staring at the other girl. Wendy knew the older had something bothering her mind ever since they went to Japan for their Red Room tour concert in March. She just did not know what it was and she could not figure it out either; trying to figure out what it was inside Irene's mind was like trying to solve a Rubik's cube and she was probably one of the stupidest people when it came to solving Rubik's cube.

Irene was only one of two things; if she was not calm and collected, she was playful and plain weird. She had been neither of both for the past month (it had even been a while since the last Irene bothered her with her butt-squeezing hobby) so that only meant there was something bugging her. But waiting for Irene to open up was like waiting for the earth to take its pivot and start revolving the other way 'round, it was just scientifically impossible. Hence she poked the older gently, encouraging the woman.

"You can say anything you want, eonni."

Wendy said with a gentle smile, not batting an eye at the older and keeping her attention on the flat screen in front of them, it was playing another drama she never had a chance to see. After that, Wendy kept her silence, she did not try to invade Irene's space yet she made sure Irene know that although she was the eldest and the leader, she also could rely on her members.


It was gentle but it made Wendy unconsciously sit sternly. It was supposed to be quite comical, except Irene was too lost in her thoughts and Wendy was turning her ear frequency to the max that they missed every other thing between them.

"... Have you ever liked someone you stand no chance with?"

Wendy's eyes bulged. She was expecting anything—anything! But never that. She stared at her eonni for a couple of seconds hoping there was some continuation to what Irene just asked.

"My friend..."

Oh, there was.

"... Met someone who already had a lover. It was her first time caught in such a situation. So she doesn't know if she likes the person or if it is just a passing feeling. I have no experience so I don't know what to tell her, but it bothers my mind so much."

If Wendy was naïve she would have taken Irene's words to heart and believed her, but Wendy was not Seulgi—bless her pure heart and soul but their second-oldest could be dense at times it made you want to either put her in a pocket or just smack some sense into her head. Wendy, however, quickly picked up that the friend Irene mentioned was non-existent. Wendy could see straight through the lie easily because there was no way someone else's love life could bother Irene so much that she practically turned into a ghost; pale, sleep-deprived, and only made appearances when it was required.

Friend my arse, Wendy said but opted to keep it to herself as her mind wandered to every male human Irene had ever encountered.

"Oh, and the other person was a woman as well."

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