SS 2 Arisu- The Fallen queen's Checkmate

Start from the beginning

Tapping my cane and ushering Kamuro to guide me back to my room, I walked behind her. I have been quite slow with my 3 legs. Some walked behind me out of fear or respect. Others walked in front of me, ignorant or unbothered by me. Kamuro was one of the latter.

Yet, I yearn for a walk beside me. Whether that will be a reality or not.....only time will tell.

"Fufu, Thank you Kamuro. Do you want to come inside for tea?"

"No thanks. You are simply going to trap me and make me follow another order. Since school is over, I am not your pawn for a while. So please, let me be" She huffed and went away.

While she was right, I was going to make her follow a few orders to make me the leader....yet in a corner of my prideful heart...I just wanted to talk to her. 

But I know quite well, how life will checkmate me from things I hold dear.....getting close to someone is just a poisoned move. Will, I will ever be able to take that risk...and win? More importantly, Do I even want to win?

Thinking such useless thoughts I let down my cane next to my bed as I brought out my chessboard, playing yet again. I wrote down the number in my worn-out notebook titled, 


I opened  the final page of that book and wrote down a number 

'5, 001'

I always chose white as my pieces unless forced otherwise in an alone setting, as it would go against the illusion of purity I created for myself. After an hour of checks and attacks, I stopped in an hour with a draw between 2 sides. This has been the case for the last 5 years until Ayanokouji defeated me....he wasn't a computer like I was. He didn't just play best moves but went beyond that. He used deliberate errors to force my attack, trapping me in his charade.  

Faking weakness...interesting.

Thinking such myriad of thoughts I wrote down a tally in the win  section of my book


My phone buzzed an alarm that signalled it was the time to be locked in what I would call a leash. I have to monitor my heart rate every day carefully and map it out with the average readings to find even the smallest change as early as possible. If I am unable to catch a problem early on, it may lead to potential complications, bringing death to give a checkmate to my life. 

This congenital heart disease I suffer, what medically doctors call Tetralogy of Fallot, alters the heart structure causing less oxygen to be sent out of the heart.

As the name suggests, it has 4 different conditions affecting my heart at once and just like's quite rare. Another thing which fascinates me about this disease is that...if narrowing of the pulmonic valve and the ventricular septal defect have a perfect balance, then I may have never suffered this until adulthood. 2 of my 4 conditions would have cancelled each other cruel and interesting.

Chess was one of the few games I ever felt I could play with complete elimination of luck, which has always been quite difficult to beat...

I washed my face and while reaching for my phone, I accidentally called my father but cancelled the call immediately. Everyone in this school is away from their parents, hence I have to maintain that rule too. 

Though, I did talk to him a father..the day I met Ayanokouji. He left my father in tears and fear. Someone of his stature and power breaking down to a high school boy, would be shocking to most...but not me. 

I felt at that very moment....he was not just any high school boy but one with great strength. His parents must have been the reason for his strength.....after all...true geniuses are just genetics at play. 

Kiyotaka's Ayanokouji is a true genius

I am going to defeat him

I will prove to him, my true strength 

The strength of

Arisu Sakayanagi

Author's Note-----

Dear Readers, 

This is not a backstory SS, but more like a daily life kinda thing. I wanted to clarify a few things about her, so I wrote this. 

1. Her disease (this was the closest diagnosis I could most congenital ones are curable or deadly at birth.)

2. Her perception of Ayanokouji, since she doesn't know about White Room

3. Her love for chess 

4. The reason why Katsuragi played along with Class C

5. How Hiyori knows about Arisu's capabilities....and vice versa.

6. Her Ideology

Have a great day!

Thank You

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