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Ayanokouji's POV:

We then went back to the designated room assigned at the start of this event which was, as I suspected, closed

Sae-sensei was standing outside grinning," How pathetic can you idiots be, did you really expect to get a free room. Anyways, we will arrive at the island by 12 am."

Mori then asked," But sensei, where will be discussing our strategies, if we do it outside won't other classes be able to hear us?"

She simply smirked," That's what a hall room is for.....oh wait, you fools don't have one." 

Saying so she left us to our fate in the vacant hallway.

I presume other classes have chosen Mid-tier, since they obviously have more talents and hence have a higher probability of winning bets. 

Hirata then took up the command and said," Why don't we simply text each other, since we already have a group." 

Kokoro surprisingly spoke up," B-But what will we do if someone's phone is seen by other classes, all our plans will be exposed...I mean that's what I think at least." 

Satou then looked at her and smiled," Wow, this is the first time I have seen you speak like that, anyways what she said is true and would be dangerous.

 But, we can just delete the messages after a few minutes of sending them, by clicking delete for everyone. In this way, it would be almost impossible for other classes to find out anything or overhear us." 

Looks like being glued to your phone has its uses after all. 

Horikita nodded,"That sounds reasonable, so we have figured out how to communicate and the room situation. We still are in the dark about the island and the boundaries of the bets are also vague."

I presume what Horikita said would be true if it wasn't deliberately done so. 

Considering most would go for games that are more well defined, the prediction part was kept very vague. Maybe it can be used at a future date

Karuizawa then offered," Hey, why don't we worry about that later. Right now let's focus on the important stuff like you know....the LINE groups.....Hey! Kushida-san why don'tcha start the group for us, me and Satou-san will manage it."

Kushida nodded," I will do so Karuizawa-san....but I don't have Koenji-kun's number." 

Koenji stopped combing his golden hair, looked at her, and then went back to combing his gel-like hair guffawing at us. 

Kushida didn't look offended and made the group without Koenji

Horikita then ordered, "Spread out, we don't want other classes to be suspicious."

I went alone to the deck of the ship, it has an odd sense of calmness.

(AN: the X means Kiyo didn't save their numbers...same as WhatsApp.)


CLASS D-Cruise fun

X: So what's the plan

Chiaki: We should probably start with Sudo making the first bet. 

X: Hey, what about Oonodere, she is a great swimmer.

X: Umm...thanks ig, we could start with me, but tbh I ain't too sure we can win. Since there are great swimmers in other classes, esp Class B

Kushida: We all believe in you Oonodere-san \^o^/

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