blind love Ep. 1

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Hearing the sound that my ears just heard, I shuddered in fear.
I do not understand whether something similar has happened to what I am thinking. But there is no sound of anyone speaking anything, nor is there any sound of walking.
I was just standing in my place scared in the same way that only then the sound of someone walking was heard.
I slowly started going backwards and after hitting the wall behind my feet, I stopped at my place.
And a stern voice rang in my ears, "Did you see what happened here?"
I shook my head in fear. And tried to hide himself somewhere.
That's when someone's phone rang, and because I was already scared, and suddenly the phone started ringing, then my heart started beating fast.
Howie sir is calling from the boss.
Suddenly another unknown voice was heard.
Many bad thoughts were running through my mind. what will happen to me now? Who are all the people? And that bullet! Who would have got that shot?
I was thinking about all this while standing in the corner by the wall, that's when the one who had just questioned me said while talking on the phone.
Hobi: The boss work is done but there is a problem. That one boy has seen us killing him.
Hobi had said so much that I said while trying to speak in the middle.
Tae: No! I am nothing
I was able to say so much that only then someone put his hand on my mouth and silenced me. And then he said, placing the gun on my head.
Man: Keep your mouth shut or else you will get killed unnecessarily.
Feeling the gun on my head, I started trembling.
Hobi: Yes Boss! But he is behaving a bit strange, I waved both my hands in front of his eyes but he did not react. And even while talking, he does not look at us but somewhere else. That's why I don't know what to do with it.
Hope finished his talk and then started listening to his boss.
And here I was still scared in the corner of the room, praying in my heart that everything was just a scary dream, and I woke up screaming loudly and the dream would break.
Hope's talk ends and he says, looking at his men.
Hope: Listen! The boss has said that take this boy with you too. and yes! They don't want any disturbance this time, so make sure that no one can hear this boy's voice.
As soon as Hope said, Tae got very nervous, and she said to Hope in fear.
Tae: Sir! Please believe me, I really haven't seen anything.
Hope: Shut up, or else get ready to take the shot.
Hope points his gun towards Tae, then Tae sits on the ground crying and says to Hope with folded hands.
Tae: Really I haven't seen anything because I can't see, since childhood.....
Tae once again could not finish his point because someone tied a rag to his mouth.
And then someone put both his hands backwards and tied his wrists with ropes near his waist.
Those people still did not believe that Tae was not lying. That he is telling the truth, that he cannot see anything because he is blind.
Tears were just streaming down from Tae's eyes, and all he could remember was his Hyung Jin and his best friend Jimin.
That's when he felt something soft on his eyes, perhaps a piece of cloth that was covering his eyes.
After a while some people dragged Tae to a car and pushed him inside the car by opening the door of the car.
Because Tae's hands were tied, Tae does not know how to take care of himself and hits his head with the door on the other side of the car. He was crying with pain.
That's when two people sit around him on both sides and the car starts running.
Tae POV: I came here from my home to get a notebook. My neighbor's uncle's house because his son and I study in the same class. And today I could not go to school, because my health was bad. But as soon as I reached Uncle's house, I heard a loud sound. gunshot sound.
Due to fear, I could not understand what to do because I was not able to understand whether the bullet was going outside or inside. And I quickly went inside the house and hid.
But I did not know that I was going to the wrong place, and now I do not even know what will happen to me next.

Jin POV: It's too late he should have been back home by now, I'll call his friend and ask.
Jin tried call but no one picked up the phone.
Jin: Jimina I called your friend Sam but no one picks up the phone, will you try one time?  Might be he pick up your phone?
Jimina: Okay Hyung, I'll call, but what's the matter. And why are you worried?
Jin: Actually it's been a long time since Tae went to Sam's house, he went to get notebook from Sam. And haven't returned yet.
Jimin: But Hyung why did he need to leave at this time!
Jin: That's what Jimin, I told him, but he insisted that he would come back in just ten minutes.
Jimin: Okay Hyung, don't you worry, I know.
Jimin started calling his friend's house there and the car he was in here suddenly stopped.
Tae felt that everything is over now that these people are going to kill him.
And Tae's suspicion turned into more conviction when the car door opened, and a man grabbed his arms with both his hands and took him out of the car and took him somewhere.
And then he suddenly pushes Tae and he falls face down on a rough ground.
A silent sigh came out of Tae's mouth.
And then Tae was heard the sound of that person going back.
After he left, Tae started trying to open his hands. Due to being tied like this for a long time, there was pain in his hands and mouth.
For some time Tae kept trying to free himself from this captivity, but then finally giving up, he stopped trying. And after a few hours Tae faints due to hunger and thirst. And he was also sick.

on the other hand Jimin calls Sam for a long time, but when no one picks up the call, he comes to Jin's house.
After Jimin arrives, Jimin and Jin go to Sam's house together to find out about Tae but when they arrive at Sam's house, his house is locked from the outside.
Seeing this, both Jimin and Jin get very worried.
They did not understand that if Sam's house is locked and there is no one here, then where did Tae go.
Both were standing there restlessly thinking about Tae.
That's when Jimin's eyes fell on a bracelet that fell on the side of the road, Jimin quickly went there and picked it up in his hand, and then showing Jin the bracelet asked,
Jimin: Hyung, this is Tae's bracelet, isn't it?
Jin also said yes, shaking his head.
Jin: Yes, it's Tae's bracelet. it means he came here so where did he gone then?
Jimin let's go to the police station.
Jimin: police station?

Jin: Yes Jimin Time is short, we don't know where  tae is? how is he? Has anyone done something to him? We have to hurry.
At Jin's behest, Jimin leaves for the police station with him.

Jin reports his brother Tae's
disappearance and the police come to his aid with Jin and Jimin where they both found Tae's bracelet.
The police search the surrounding place for Tae for a while. And when they don't find anything, the police look for the CCTV footage around, they don't find anything, yes something strange happened in every CCTV, for about an hour the recording of every CCTV was stopped. The police were noticing this when their team leader got a call, and he went out, after a while when he came in, he looked at Jimin and Jin and said
Police: We are trying to find your brother, you go home, if we come to know about something, we will inform you.
Jimin and Jin did not want to return home despite the police saying this.
Jimin also stays overnight at Jin's house to take care of him.

time scape
The dreadful night had passed, it was morning. But Tae's fear was not over yet and neither was the end of this dreadful night for him.
He was still lying unconscious on the same rough ground.
Tae: Ah! Hyung save me. (crying)
Tae suddenly felt a severe pain in his stomach and opened his eyes, perhaps someone had kicked him hard to bring him to his senses.
But when Tae's pain subsided a little, he remembered that he had a cloth tied around his mouth before he fainted last night. But now Tae could speak, there was no cloth on his lips anymore. And at the same time he could not feel anything in his eyes.
But his hands were still tied. Tae said softly but scared and groaning in pain
Tae: wa...wat.. water
Hearing the sound of Tae, a stranger started taking one step towards him, then Tae starts shrinking with fear.
Coming to Tae, that person sitting near him said
Man: So you're thirsty? Yes!
Tae shook his head yes, then that person pointed to someone behind, on his suggestion, another man gave a glass of water to his hand.
Man 2: JK you've been called by Hyung.
Suddenly someone told JK, then JK says while placing the glass of water on the ground right in front of tae.
JK: Take this water and quench your thirst, I will come to see you again in a while.
Tae: But... my hand....then? how can i drink And where's the glass?
Tae asked in a muffled voice but he did not get any answer and JK went out of the basement with the other person without saying anything.
Tae starts trying to sit on the ground with the help of his clenched hands. After several falls and slips, Tae finally managed to sit down.
And then slowly moving his arms and legs around, Tae tries to find the glass of water that JK had left here on the ground.
After a lot of effort, Tae finally found the glass of water, when the glass gently hit his foot. Where was the glass of water, tae knew this. But the problem was that his hands were tied and that too backwards.
How would you even take a glass of  water in your hand?
But then somehow he drank water with his head down near the glass.
JK was watching Tae on his laptop while doing all this.
Actually JK had installed a CCTV camera in the basement, so that he could keep an eye on Tae.
And that glass of water was also deliberately placed on the ground by JK. JK wanted to know whether Tae was really blind or whether he was pretending to be blind.
JK was sitting in his office keeping an eye on Tae when Namjoon came there, and he said looking at JK.
Namjoon: JK Why have you kept that boy in the basement till now?
JK, placing his hand on his mouth, said while moving his fingers over his lips
JK: Hyung, I want to know if he is really blind or is he trying to cheat us.
Namjoon: So just to find out whether he is blind or not, you are wasting your precious time keeping an eye on him like this?
We can know this in two minutes. where is your gun?
When asked by Namjoon, JK smirked and said
JK: Obviously, wherever it always be, in my pocket.
Namjoon: Then come with me.

On Namjoon's behest, JK comes with him to the basement. where tae was.
And Tae once again gets scared after hearing the footsteps of some people coming towards the basement. And by slipping back rapidly, sticking to the wall, he starts shrinking in itself....

See you in the next episode, please support my story. Thanks.

"Blind love" Taekook ff.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora