Falling sand

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By _-transpiracy-_ on wattpad and Ao3 (me :3)

Warnings: panic attack, dissociation, OCD-like thoughts and actions, disordered eating

Summary: Bruno had always been superstitious, that wasn't a surprise to the family. What they didn't know, was how much those anxieties actually increased from behind the walls. What they didn't know, was that he often felt trapped in his own head, like he was lost in the almost constant green fog.

What they did know, however, was that they would never let him go through it alone again.

The weeks following the rebuild of the casita were slow, almost painfully so. Everything had moved so quickly during the months they spend rebuilding their house that they barely had any time to talk and be a family. For most of them, like Abuela, that was the painful part; not being able to spend as much time together as they truly wanted to. But for others, like Bruno, it had been the blessing he needed. He was still adjusting to being outside of the walls, to people being able to see him.

Don't get him wrong, it was amazing being able to talk to them again. He loved spending time with his family and being accepted so easily. But they're weren't exactly the easiest people to be around. He often found himself out of breath from just being in their proximity. They were overwhelming, especially to a person who just spent the last 10 years with minimal to no contact with the outside world. Everything was overwhelming to Bruno, down to the blare of the summer sun or the scratch of his oversized ruana.

His sobrinos had been another blessing in that regard. They seemed to notice when he would start to hyperventilate, or when his eyes darted around like a caged animal, and knew how to craftily get him out of the situation. At least more than the adults did, anyways. He was almost constantly found spending time with the younger generation, telling extravagant stories or sharing a good cup of café. He always had a smile on his face when he was with them, always felt far more at ease when they were close.

Not to say the rest weren't trying. He could see how his mother was trying her best to loosen her reign, to patch her shaky relationship with the family. She led less, let the others take control and watch them with bright pride in her eyes. Despite that, They were often trained on Bruno, both out of bewilderment and anxiety. He could tell she was afraid he would run off again at the soonest opportunity, that something would set him off and he would go running for the hills. It strangely warmed his heart to know she cared, but at the same time added to the growing pit in his stomach.

When Mirabel put the doorknob on the casita, and the valley filled with magic once more, something snapped in Bruno. He knew he should feel overjoyed that the magic was back, should be dancing along with the rest of the family in celebration of their dear casita. But as his mother expected, he ran away at the soonest opportunity. Not far, of course, he ran and hid in the newly refurbished living room. He felt something burst in his chest, his head pound and almost knock him to the ground. There was too much open space, to much light. He ended up hiding behind the couch just to feel safe from the gaze of the other villagers.

He stayed like that for almost the entirety of the party, peacefully watching from behind the couch and petting his little ratas. Antonio eventually found him, being led by his own rat friends, and stayed with him for the rest of the night. They talked about animals, stories about Bruno's sisters, anything just to pass the time. They barely noticed the dark night skies until Antonio almost passed out in his seat.

Bruno gave him an endearing smile and carried him up to his new room, tucking him in and singing an old nursery rhyme his mother used to sing when he was a young boy.

'Sana sana, colita de rana..." Antonio was out before he could finish, small snores coming from his mouth. Bruno smiled and pulled the blankets over him.

Bruno Madrigal Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now