Prophecies (2)

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continuation of last chapter

Third Person POV

La familia stared in bewilderment at the floating fragments of vision tablets.


Everyone's head turned at the sound, surprised to find Bruno collapsed in a heap on the floor. Instantly, the green shards fell to the floor, shattering on impact. Several shrieks were heard as the glass made impact, though out of surprise or pain was hard to tell. The sky outside had darkened to the point that it looked like night, and the ever-glowing magical candle was the only source of light.

"Pepa? Are you alright?" Isabela called, walking out of her room. The creak of her door opening was practically booming in the sudden silence, and more than one person flinched at the noise.

"Isa, be careful! There's glass completely covering the floor down here!" Julieta shouted up to her daughter.

Frowning, Isa lowered herself to the first floor with a vine. "What happened?!" She exclaimed her vines sweeping the glass into the corner of the room with a wave of her hand.

"It was Bruno, his vision, it malfunctioned, or something." Camilo explained, watching his Tía race into the kitchen.

Julieta returned quickly, her arms full of arepas. She passed out the healing food to everyone, just in case there were injuries they couldn't feel yet due to shock, before kneeling next to her little hermanito . With trembling hands, Julieta lifted his head up, carefully pouring a small glass of lulada down his throat.

Slowly, the shallow cuts left by the glass closed, before fading away entirely. Julieta shook her brother gently, with no reaction. Concerned, she felt for his pulse, grimacing at his irregular heart rate. She paused for a moment, simply staring at her little brother, her eyebrows furrowed. Hesitantly, she reached forward, prying one of his eyes open.

Immediately, a bright green glow filled the room, causing her to jump back in surprise. Her fingers no longer holding it open, Bruno's eye fell shut, the light disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Low murmurs broke out across the room, the strange phenomena only adding to the family's anxiety and confusion.

"Bruno...?" Julieta's voice cracked.

He didn't even stir.

"What's wrong with Bruno?" Antonio asked, crawling over to his uncle.

"I'm not sure." Julieta admitted as the rest of the family gathered around Bruno. "My didn't fix him. Not completely, at least."

"What could have-"

Camilo was interrupted by the sound of both the front door and Dolores's door opening at the same time.

"What's with all the noise?" Dolores questioned, carefully descending the stairs with the guidance of the candle in her hand.

"And what's with the weather? Is Pepa alright?" Abuela asked as she and Agustín rushed into the house.

"I don't think this was Pepa." Julieta responded, glancing down at Bruno. "I think-"

La Casita's door banged open once more. "It wasn't me! I promise!" Pepa shouted, clutching onto Luisa's arms and muttering "clear skies, clear skies" under her breath.

Abruptly, the sun began shining again, its dim rays blocked only by the dark clouds shrouding the distant star. La familia looked up, quietly inspecting the sky for some sort of explanation as to what had caused the past ten minutes of darkness. However, when no sign or clue was given after a moment, Pepa cursed, trying to bat away her own personal rain cloud.

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