The World Doesnt End (5)

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By Lolapola on Ao3

warnings: crying, angry Agustín

Summary: Five times Bruno's presence wasn't wanted, and one time it really, really was.

One and a half times, actually, but that doesn't flow off the tongue quite as well.

Bruno is getting a little sick of all the nervous and bemused looks he's getting as he pushes his way through the crowds. Sure, he doesn't come down from his tower that much anymore, but he isn't going to miss Mirabel's gift ceremony. Relations between him and his familia aren't that bad. Or maybe they are now – he'd have to check with one of them.

He chuckles humourlessly at his own joke, earning him even more alarmed glances, which doesn't bother him as much as it probably should. What's the point of being the town madman if he can't act like it?

He'll have to stand amongst everyone, he knows, for the ceremony itself, but it won't start for another few minutes and he doesn't have the energy to pretend he doesn't see how they look at him without a distraction. There's a small room secreted away behind the stairs, he knows, and he makes a beeline for it. Just to get out of the crowd for a moment, he tells himself. Just to catch his breath.

He slips inside and closes the door firmly behind him, standing for a moment in the sudden quiet and breathing deeply.

"You too, huh?" says a voice from behind him, and he whirls around on the spot.

Agustín gives him a little wave from where he's sitting opposite the door, leaning against the wall.

"I get it," he chuckles. "It's, uh – it's a lot out there. It's a lot."

Bruno slumps against the door, pressing a hand to his chest. "Dios, Agustín, you scared the life out of me."

Agustín laughs again. "Sorry."

As his heart slows down a little, Bruno realises he probably should apologise, too, seeing as he's barged in on his cuñado's moment of quiet.

"Uh – you okay?" he asks, hesitantly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to -"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Agustín waves his hand dismissively. "Just needed a sec."

"I can go, if you..."

"No, no, it's okay, I promise. Stay. I wouldn't mind some company." He pats the space beside him with a wry smile. "Pull up a floorboard."

Bruno grins, a little hesitantly, and pulls himself off the door to go and sit next to Agustín instead.

"¿Cómo estás, Bruno?" he says, after a few moments of companiable silence. "I feel like we never see you anymore."

"Ah, you know how it is," Bruno mumbles, "Lots of visions to have, prophecies to deliver..., to keep my focus, you know..."

Agustín hums understandingly as if that was a coherent answer, which Bruno appreciates.

"Where's Mirabel?" he asks. "She doing okay?"

"She's with Alma," Agustín replies, nodding towards the ceiling. "And yeah, she's – well. Excited doesn't really cover it."

He smiles fondly, which makes Bruno smile too. He doesn't see his sobrinos as often as he'd like, but Mirabel is a sweetheart. She deserves the world.

He says as much to Agustín, who beams.

"Gracias, hermano. I'd say I agree, but I guess I'm a little biased."

"Well, I probably am too," admits Bruno, and Agustín laughs, knocking his shoulder against Bruno's.

Neither of them speak for a moment, listening the muffled bustle of the crowd outside the door. Then Agustín sighs, a little shakily.

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