♡ Chapter 8 ♡

Start from the beginning

Aubreyanne had her hair held up, and more casual clothes on when she unlocked the door. Zaria too had gotten out of her work attire but still, look decent.

"Oh, you remembered this time," Aubreyanne commented stepping aside as Zaria slowly took a step in and slid off her shoes. She took the only chance she probably would have to inspect Aubreyanne's home.

it was not really what she had expected, which was a huge mansion with butlers and maids and whatever else rich people have. the house was still fairly modern, yet simple with a mostly dark theme and white accents.

"Come on. the sooner we finish this, the sooner we can move on with life," Aubreyanne said leading her into the dining room. "Set your stuff down on the table. I'll make us some coffee to help" She said walking into the kitchen.

Zaria decided it would be pointless to bring up the fact coffee didn't seem to have an effect on her, she just plopped down at the table and pulled out her laptop. "I didn't mind doing these alone," She said turning to the kitchen where she could hear Aubreyanne busy.

there was no response until Aubreyanne appeared at the doorway with two mugs. "it's not fair for me to do that to you," She said simply. "I am overworking you, and to be fair I also did forget about the approvals until Andrew reminded me just moments before you remembered"

Zaira nodded and they were silent as Aubreyanne set a mug down for each of them and took the seat at the head of the table, just next to Zaira.

"Can I ask you a question?" Zaria suddenly asked.

Aubreyanne raised an eyebrow as she opened her computer. "you sure are curious being Regan"

I try" Zaria shrugged taking her response as a yes. "Why are you nicer to me?" Aubreyanne looked up from her screen, with a quizzical glance. "I'm not complaining in the slightest, but I'm pretty sure you don't offer your friday afternoons to help other employees with work they're supposed to have done. Or stop to greet them at the park"

"First of all the park was all Case and Kathy," Aubreyanne said sipping her coffee. "and second if you want the full truth. I just trust you, I can't explain it either. not that I don't trust Antonio or Sam or whatever. I just know everyone's strengths and weaknesses and you're stronger in this field than most of them"

Zaria nodded slowly. "Why is it that I'm the only one?"

"For starters. I find it easier to relax around you more because you're also a woman and because you're not the type to gossip or try steal...at least I think so"

"Yea I'm not" Zaria reassured.

"Mhmm, and I find it nice how you aren't a suck-up either. I kind of missed not being met with prejudice that's hard to clear. there are some people that refuse to see me the way you do, despite me trying my best to show them," Aubreyanne suddenly set her mug down and pulled her device closer. "We should get to work on these approvals"

Zaria nodded, knowing she'd gotten as close enough as she could for now, and she was happy with the progress. She also pulled her computer closer and they began working.

Two hours later, Aubreyanne pressed submit on the last document and shut her laptop screen with a sigh. "That's the last one done" She yawned glancing over at Zaria.

To her surprise, the younger woman was already asleep. Her face rested on her arms and hair fell messily around her face. Aubreyanne looked at her blankly, not sure what to do.

After a moment she got up and left, coming back with a blanket and draping it around Zaria's shoulders. Surely the least she could do was not wake her up and make her drive home as it was already past midnight.

Aubreyanne cast Zaria's sleeping figure one last glance. "Sorry for overworking you again. I just really needed that done" She mumbled flicking the light switch and heading upstairs.

She got ready for bed, and slid into the covers. Just as she slowly began to dose off her phone began ringing. Assuming it was Case with another rant about a book she'd stayed up reading. Aunreyanne reached over to decline, but when she saw the contact name she froze for a moment, then picked up the phone.

"Hey Aubrey...I didn't think you'd pick up"

"Then why did you call" she mumbled.

"because I missed you" Her breath caught in surprise at his words, and Justin just chuckled lightly from the another side of the phone. "Sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that...I was just speaking my mind"

"I guess I miss you too" Aubreyanne mumbled rolling onto her back. "How Is Lisbon? Did the deal go well?"

"Lisbon is beautiful. The people are lovely and so is the food. I'll have to bring you over here one day. I'm sure you'll love it"

"I can imagine so. I have always wished to travel the world after all"

"ill take you to see every corner of the world you wish to" Justin said softly.

Aubreanne smiled to herself. "I'd like that," She said with a yawn.

Justin let out a light laugh. "great. I'll leave you to sleep now"

"Wait" Aubreyanne mumbled. "When will you be back in town?"

"I fly in next week. Now go to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow at a more reasonable hour"

Aubreyanne yawned once more. "Sure. goodnight"

"Goodnight Aubrey, sleep well"

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