My breath caught in my throat, the unease growing, burning my lungs in the process. "I don't think that's a good idea Mi." I mumbled, lowering my head as the other kids began to groan.

"Leo," Maya's beryl gaze met my blue pleadingly, "Come on." She waved the hand she'd been holding towards me, her nervous eyes darting to the speculators around us.

"Dude, it's a game." An older red haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, hurry up." One girl agreed. "You're ruining it."

"Leo," Maya whispered, "Please."

Succumbing to the peer pressure, I grasped Maya's hand in mine, allowing her to pull me to the closet.

Making my first of many mistakes tonight.

Trigger Warning;
Sexual Assault.

The closet was small, so small that Maya and I barley fit without brushing against one another. The confined space, making me feel all forms of claustrophobic.

The click of the knob turning filled my ears, as the door was locked behind us. My breathing coming out in short pants, as panic began to consume me.

I don't like this.

He's not here, it's only Maya, he's not here.

"So... are you going to kiss me?" Maya slurred, pushing her body closer to my own. Her chest brushing against mine, as her fingers toyed with the end of my shirt.

"What?" I breathed heavily, my chest constricting in fear. "I'm not going to kiss you Maya, you're drunk." I told her, pushing myself further from her touch, my back pressing against the closet door, showcasing the minimal space we truly had.

"I'm not drunk Le." She giggled, her hand sliding under my shirt, her fingers grazing my skin teasingly. "I want this, don't you want me?"

Please stop touching me.

"No, I don't." I shook my head, my body trembling, as my panic grew. "I don't like this Mi, please stop."

"Lighten up!" Her breath fanned against my cheek, the stale scent of liquor invading my senses, all whilst she invaded my space. "It's just a little bit of fun Le." She whispered, her lips brushing against my ear with each word she spoke.

I shivered in fear, hating that her body was so close to mine, feeling my skin crawl from her touch. Scrunching my eyes closed, I prayed that she'd listen, that she wouldn't invalidate my feelings like he did, that the word no meant just as much to her as it did to me.

"No, Maya." I whispered, swallowing painfully as the lump in my throat grew bigger. "Please, stop, please."

I froze as I felt her fingers continue to drift across my torso. Her free hand moving to my nape, caressing the skin before the warmth of her lips nipped at my neck, kissing and sucking my skin harshly. "Stop playing hard to get Le." She giggled against my skin.

"No, no, no." I whimpered, feeling the tears burn behind my eyelids. I couldn't move, my limps feeling foreign, my mind begging for me to push her away. "Maya, please." I opened my eyes, pleading with her to stop.

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