"Manohar Reddy?"I shivered as I realized that he was Mr.Reddy ... the person who loaned a huge amount of money to my dad. I looked at him in shock as he continued.

"First of all...you are in my farmhouse. And second of all, your stepmom, Priyamvadha sold you to me," he smiled again.

"W-What do you mean by sold me to you?"I mumbled as the reality seeped into my system. I had realized that my stepmom was cruel, but this was unbelievable. How could anyone harbor such deep hatred for me? What had I ever done to them?

"Unbelievable, right?" he grinned at me.

"But Mili, it's the truth. Priyamvadha sold you for three crore Indian rupees," he added grimly.

"Please spare me, Mr.Reddy.Mr.Mittal had already settled your debt, right? What do you want me for? Is it for my body? If you dare touch me, I will kill myself. Please, I'm pregnant. Let me go, "I pleaded, folding my hands in front of him. Though I hadn't met him before, I had heard stories of his brutality and womanizing ways, which was now scaring the hell out of me.

"Mili...my dear...You have a lot of misconceptions about me," he laughed out loud.

"I have a terrible reputation in the outside world, and there are rumors of me being a womanizer and a ruthless loan shark... that's not the truth... But I wouldn't change my reputation because it's good for my business," he smirked.

"Another important thing is all these businesses are not mine...I am just a Benami. All of these belong to my boss who will be here soon. I bought you from Priyamvadha for my boss. I am just a mere caretaker for you right now. And I have no idea what my boss has planned for you," he said with a grim smile.

"Take rest, Mili. No one will harm you here because my boss wants you safe and uninjured," he said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I found myself in a state of shock after Reddy's revelation. My destiny now lay in the hands of Reddy's boss. But one thing I was sure of was that I would end my life if someone else touched me other than my Aagney. With determination, I made up my mind to face anyone or anything in my fate. I realized that Priyamvadha's betrayal never really hurt me because my mind was numb, and I pledged to make her suffer if I ever escaped this prison.

Hours passed, and by noon, as I guessed, Devi came again with my lunch and made sure that I ate it. She didn't talk much, but I asked her when her boss would arrive. She was also unaware of the details. After Devi left, I used the washroom and came outside after cleaning myself. I wore the same saree as I didn't have clothes to change. Again I walked inside the room to find a way out of it, but it was futile. I spent my time thinking of ways to save myself and my child. I was mad at myself for not informing Aagney or Diya when I left my house at night yesterday. But my mind was in chaos at that time. I just hoped that any of them checked my whereabouts and found out that I was missing.

Around 7 pm, Devi again came with my dinner, and I ate it without any complaint, but when she left, I found that the door to my room was left ajar. Seizing the opportunity, I sneaked out of the room and found a narrow passageway. The moment I stepped into the corridor, the lights went out, and I froze for a second as I heard voices shouting to turn on the generator at the other end. With my heart in my hands, I ran as fast as possible to the end of the corridor to my freedom which alerted the men in the house. The men were shouting at the top of their voices to catch me. But I didn't stop and ran out of the corridor to what looked like a living room. I found a door wide open, which I presumed to be the way out of this farmhouse, and ran towards it. As soon as I stepped my foot outside, I was tossed into someone's arms who pressed his face into my neck, making me shudder in fear—but soon relaxed in his arms as I inhaled the familiar cologne and unknowingly, a sob left me as I buried my face into his chest.

"D-Dev, "I stuttered as the light turned on and saw him look at me affectionately. My feelings for him were momentary because it was soon replaced by anger, and I pushed him away.

"Mithu," he called out passionately.

"How dare you? It's Mythili Sharma for you, "I yelled and slapped him repeatedly in rage.

"Ssshhh...calm down, Mithu, "He embraced me once again, and I felt myself relaxing in his arms.

"Missed me, wifey?" he asked lovingly as I glared at him angrily.

How was the chapter?

Yeah yeah...your Dev is here...Next chapter I will murder him😏😏😏😈😈😈

Did you all expect this plot twist?

My poor Reddy...everyone misunderstood him.

So Dev is the boss...What will happen when he knows of Mithu's pregnancy?

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