Chapter Ten

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Frida ran her hands over the long black silk dress that she chose to wear tonight; the fabric adjusted to her figure marking it delicately, red heels adorned her feet, red like her hair perfectly arranged in soft waves and red as the lipstick. Tonight, she felt powerful. Completely sexy. Her arms, fully exposed, looked delicate but still firm, the result of her training. She would bring a coat for later, it was sure going to be cold and although normally fundraising parties didn't last long, she knew in advance they'd most likely end up taking the party elsewhere. Or well, if Jens wanted to go on, though she could always send him home and she could stay.

Jens. The man did not hesitate to accept her invitation, which lowkey made her feel guilty, she was doing it purely to clear her conscience, not because she wanted his company. However, what's done is done, and surely they could spend an extraordinary night together.

On the other hand, Benny kept coming to her mind constantly. This morning she texted him to find out how he was feeling, and he responded with a simple "Fine thanks." Frida didn't insist on the matter, didn't have the energy for it— for all the chaos that Benny brought to her. He wouldn't be at the party, so that would help her clear her mind.

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of her companion. Frida took one last look at the mirror; yes, I have it! she said, proud of herself. With a sigh, she took her belongings and headed out the door, ready to spend a nice night.

The reception turned out more pleasant than she imagined, being a charity event everyone kept a lower profile, even so; luxury prevailed in every corner. There were tables filling the room, decorated with long tablecloths, candles and sophisticated flowers, the waiters well dressed but not as much as the guests who dressed in the most exclusive brands in the world of fashion, among them; Lyngstad. Frida felt extremely proud to see some of her designs in some ladies, they even approached to thank her or simply show off, trying to win her favoritism. Frida, of course, praised them all.

Jens, who had left a moment for the restroom, joined her. "You look beautiful," he commented softly close to her ear.

Frida turned and stepped back slightly, the last thing she wanted is false illusions and rumours. Too late to think about it, she told herself. "Thanks, you are very kind."

Jens smiled charmingly, he was certainly excited to be here, with her. "Seems like the auction
is about to begin, do you mind if we go to our table?"

"Sure! But first I'd like to..." Her words were caught in her throat as a couple entered her field of vision; Benny and a blonde girl clinging to his arm. Something similar to a cramp suffered Frida at such a view. He said that he would not go. He was sick, even though he said this very morning that he was fine. He lied.

Their eyes met, Frida wanted to turn and walk away when she saw how he was coming towards them, but instead she stayed there, waiting. "Lyngstad, it's good to see you," Benny said formally but Frida knew perfectly well that he was making fun of her, the gleamed in his eyes exposed him. She straightened up and put on her iron armor.

"Good night, Mr. Andersson," she replied almost nonchalantly. "What a surprise."

"I couldn't miss the opportunity to support such a noble cause."

She raised an eyebrow; he said that he'd forgotten and would not attend. Liar! "And you do well."

The woman next to Benny coughed lightly to make herself known. Benny was forced to make the introductions. "Oh, by the way, this is Helena Grandman."

The woman hastened to hold out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Miss Lyngstad. I have heard a lot about you."

Well, at least she knew her, which helped soothe Frida's bruised ego. She couldn't believe that Benny dared to introduce her to one of his mistresses, not when she looked after him just a few days ago— holding him against her chest, snuggling him up. Enough! she mentally scolded herself. "Too bad I can't say the same," she said before even processing it. The girl seemed slightly stunned by her response. "This is Jens O'connor, my date. But I think you guys already know each other, don't you Jens?" She looked at him sweetly.

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