Chapter Two

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In the middle of his home office, Benny worked on his computer. A whole team of professionals worked for him and he trusted them, but any decision had to be made by him, so today he was reading a couple of proposals since one of his hotels was undergoing renovation and his architects were working hard to fulfill his requirements. That's how he was; he wants something, he gets it. Fortunately, he grew up in a world of opportunities, it would not have been so if his family had not been of high renown, he was lucky, and now that his parents were not here he was in charge of everything... well, and his younger sister, although Eva-Lis spent all the time traveling and enjoying her great fortune.

It was a new year and on second thought maybe a trip would be good for him too. A place that was not as cold as Sweden would be the best option. Maybe sea, sand, sun, alcohol and pretty girls. Benny leaned back in his seat and smiled; yeah, that sounded perfect. Or maybe if he invited Frida... it wouldn't be the first time they'd go on a trip together and he certainly enjoyed her company, although the last time they had an argument and they both ended up spending the night in different places.

Benny shook his head and chuckled to himself at the memory, they were both stubborn and hardly gave their arm to twist. The office phone rang and he rejoined to answer, surely it was one of his associates. "Hello, it's Benny Andersson speaking."

"Benny! Why don't you ever answer your cell phone?" A clearly angry Iris spoke on the other side of the line.

Benny rolled his eyes once he heard her voice, he simply hated reproaches. "I'm working. Is something offered to you?"

"Clearly, don't you think so? you would know if you'd read my messages. Besides, who works on these dates?"

"I do," he answered firmly.

"Well, you shouldn't," she snorted like it was the most absurd thing to do and Benny tried to calm himself down, he didn't like being told what to do.

"What do you want, Iris? I hear you now."

"The thing is, tonight I will have a dinner at my house with my brothers, I want you to come."

Benny got up and began to walk around the room. That was impossible, he did not have dinner with the family of his lovers. "You know that is not possible."

"Why not? you are partners."

"But this meeting will have nothing to do with business, I imagine," he could perfectly imagine her disgruntled face.

"You could come as my friend, if that's your concern," she hissed.

"I don't have dinner with my friends' family, Iris, you know that. Do not want to force something that doesn't exist. Getting laid doesn't make us a couple or anything like that."

"But you are the man who is in my life now, and that I know I am your woman," she said almost hurt.

"No, it is not like that. I never have only a woman." And it was true, he never lasted more than a couple of weeks or days with a girl, but he also had Frida. He thought of her and his body responded instantly; she would never reproach him for anything. "You please me very well, Iris. But you can also piss me off if you want, and right now you're not being complacent. You know the rules."

"You and your fucking rules, Andersson. This is not a game, this is not fun!" She yelled over the phone.

"Well, then I feel sorry for you. I hope you have a good time at dinner." Without adding anything else, Benny hung up. She was demanding something from him that he wasn't willing to give her or anyone else, he just didn't succumb to whims, at least not of this kind. Iris had managed to make him angry, but after a few seconds Benny decided it wasn't worth it. No one could tame him, it wasn't even good for anyone to try. He went back to his desk and continued reviewing the proposals, after a while he finished and went to take a shower while he thought about what to do. It was the third of January, the last days he had spent in his apartment moving forward to work, although in reality it was an excuse not to go out, strangely he did not feel like going out to party or anything like that, he had too much of that in December. Then an idea came to his mind.

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