Chapter Five

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The night of the fashion house New Year's party had arrived and was in full swing. Lights, music, models, cameras and famous people filled the place. At the entrance, a long red carpet welcomed each and every one of the guests, it was a luxurious night. Frida looked around the room, she was in a corner in a strategic place, like in parades. She had to admit that she felt a bit overwhelmed as people regularly wanted to come over and chat, especially ask questions, but she wasn't comfortable with that. Tonight was to relax and celebrate a new year with her team.

"Who are you hiding from?"

A voice behind startled her, turning around she was met by Benny who was holding an amused face. She put her hands to his chest. "Don't scare me like that!" she hissed.

Benny looked behind her; everyone seemed engrossed in talk and she alone here. "I'm sorry. But seriously, are you hiding?"

"No, just..." she shrugged and winced. "I wanted some time alone."

"This is not a place to be alone." A waiter walked past her, the man gave them a quick glance but continued on his way. "You see? Don't you want to go outside?"

"No, it's fine," she assured. "By the way, you look very handsome."

Benny took a step back to show her his outfit, which she herself chose as he requested. "Thank you. Now I see that my tie matches your dress, I never would have thought of green."

Frida wore a dark green dress with dropped sleeves and glitter to the waist, her skirt ending loose to the ground. Her hair was pulled back in an elaborate chignon allowing a full view of her collarbone and her perfect face. "Looks good," she moved closer to him to straighten the tie in question.

"Thank you, Miss Lyngstad." She winked at him.

"We'd better get back," she tried to back away but he took her hand.

"Wait," he spoke up close to her face because the music had changed and was louder. "See you when you're done?"

A tingle ran through her body as she understood what that meant. She was very willing. "Of course." With the promise of seeing each other later, they both went their respective ways. Benny joined a group of acquaintances, there weren't many men at the party, most of them were women. The party was mostly for the staff of the fashion house but being an important company, more personalities from the country and all of Scandinavia were invited.

Frida greeted some guests, some of them with big smiles but cold, false eyes. This was the price of success, but it was the part that she didn't care about. She accepted that not all people could like her, just as not all people who were nice to her had good intentions; that last one she learned the hard way. Anyway, tonight was a night to enjoy, her intention was to give her loyal employees an unforgettable party, without them her success would not be possible.

As she walked through the crowd, a hand landed on her arm making her stop and turn. She met warm eyes. "Jens!"

"Hey pretty girl," Jens greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "I'm finally here. Everything looks spectacular!"

"It's okay, the night is long. And thank you, it was hard work."

"I can not imagine. Also, you always do an excellent job."

"Oh stop," she giggled. Jens always used to compliment her, sometimes more than necessary.

The party continued. Benny was chatting with a girl at one of the tables in the back, she seemed delighted with his presence but Benny was beginning to get bored; she would agree with everything he said and her giggle sounded silly and even faked. Just one more girl trying to please me out of convenience, he thought. It was best to get away from here. "Well, I think I'll go over there for another drink. I'll see you later."

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