[🍈] 2p!italy :: hetalia

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a/n: ayee first oneshot here! regarding this one shot, i'll leave a question at the bottom. also, this is not completely proofread, so there still might be some grammar and spelling errors i have missed.

anyways, enjoy :]


3rd person's pov:

ah, nothing like a post breakup drinking session.

luciano grasped the glass of whiskey in his hand. normally, the italian male would prefer a much classier drink but he wanted something that would make him achieve his goal that time, to get absolutely shit faced. as he stared into the glass, he wondered, how many liters of alcohol has he consumed? he was already a bit tipsy, which meant he probably already had 10-20 bottles.

he scoffed to himself as he raised the glass cup to his lips and drank all the liquor in one sip. and then his mind decided to torture him once more as he remembered her, causing luciano's vision to flash red for a moment- suddenly slamming his cup on the table, breaking it into tiny little pieces. a glass shard flew by his face and cut his cheek a little but he payed no mind to it. the bartender jolted in surprise and immediately offered to help with his injuries, to which luciano refused.

luciano ignored his surroundings for awhile and stared at his injured hand while the bartender scrambled to clean the bar top with scattered glass all over it.

the pricks of pain he felt seemed to sober him up a bit, and he took out a handkerchief from his pocket with his uninjured hand and wiped his other hand clean. he grunted quietly and simply told the bartender to put it on his tab and left a generous tip, as he stood up and staggered to the exit.

wiping away the excess blood from his hand on his shirt, he let out a deep groan erupt from his throat. he pushed open the door and continued walking slowly. once he was a few feet away from the bar, he leaned his back on a random wall and fished his phone out of his pants' pocket.

he clicked on his brother's contact and called him. a couple of rings later he was met with the annoyed voice of his fratello, flavio. "luci! where are you right now?! do you know what time it is already?!-" luciano scowled as he answered his brother with an annoyed tone. "you fucking idiota! before i left you asked me where i was going and i told you, i was going to a fucking bar! now quit your damn whining and send a car to me right fucking now!"

he hears flavio sigh. "yes, you did in fact tell me you were going to a bar, but- you didn't tell me where!" at this point, if luciano rolls his eyes more they might as well pop out of their sockets. "tch! whatever. the bar's name is raven night. and hurry the hell up! my hand's bleeding for fuck's sake." luciano seethes out, ending the call before his brother could say anything to annoy him more.

"rough night, huh?" he hears a voice call out to him. he glances over and sees a tall man, leaning against the opposite wall from him, a cigarette on his hand. "no shit." luciano scoffs in reply before turning his attention back to his injury. "i saw you inside the bar. i was gonna go talk to ya, but you slammed your glass down and left so i followed ya here."

luciano looks up to find the man crushing his cig with his foot, and walked closer to luciano till he was in front of him. "huh, so you're the stalker type? sorry, im not into that." luciano mumbles out. then he hears a soft laugh come from the man.

"youre funny. and just so you know, im not a stalker," he pauses for a moment to flash a smirk at luciano, which for some reason looked incredibly hot. "it just so happens that youre my type~"

while he would never admit it out loud, luciano did find himself attracted to this tall stranger. maybe it was the alcohol talking, but he wouldnt mind getting on his knees right now. and so, to mask his attraction, he decided to play hard to get. (although in reality, it made his attraction more obvious💀)

"type of what? person to cannibalize?" he pretends to examine his nails before looking up at the other male. (mf really pulled a flavio with the sass) "well, im no cannibal, but-" a hand slams next to lucianos head and he looks up, staring into the man with an 'innocent face'.

"you look good enough for me to eat~" luciano smirks and licks his lips. he grabs the man by the collar and pulls him down onto him, effectively locking lips with him. luciano closes his eyes and lets out a low moan at the feeling of hands massaging his ass.

he pulls away from the (e/c) eyed stranger, trailing his finger down from his jaw to his collar bone. "oh darling~ if anything, i'll be the one eating you~"

the (h/c) male lowers his head to luciano's neck, trailing his lips over his neck, leaving small bites which make luciano lose his breath. "oho~ that was hot as fuck~ but the question is," he leans over and licks luci's ear, making him shiver in pleasure. "we takin' this to your place or mine?"

"well, my ride should be here any minute now, so why not my place, handsome?" a flirty smile rests on luciano's lips, as he wraps his arms around the taller man's neck. "heh, while i think you calling me handsome is nice, i'd prefer you call me by my name."

"hm~ you do have a point," luciano snickers for a bit, "who knows, maybe your name would be better to moan out?" luciano looks up into the other man's eyes, which seemed to darken at his attempt to seduce him even more.

it looks like it was pretty damn effective.

"fucking hell, i didnt expect you to be this... aggressive." luciano chuckles softly. was he just drunk or did this man really interest him?

"but anyway, the name's (y/n), love." a light blush sweeps over luciano's face. its such a simple nickname, but it still made luci's heart beat faster.

"(y/n), huh? looks like i'll have something to scream later on~" (y/n) chuckles as his arms tighten around luciano's waist.

"well, my name's luciano. luciano vargas~" luciano leans up towards (y/n)'s ear and nibbles on it,

"i'll look forward to you moaning out my name later on as well, amor~"


a/n:damn. i made luci extra seductive and slutty.
i love it. we stan slutty power bottoms in this house 😩

oh, the question i mentioned at the start: do i extend this oneshot into a whole different story?(i'll make it a slow burn bc why the fuck not lmao) its either that or i write a part two with smut.

this whole chapter excluding the a/n's is like, 1k words long😮

anyways, i hope you enjoyed reading! feedback will be greatly appreciated, as well as any comments & votes! see ya in the next update~

- kei<3

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