~:Chapter 8:~

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Yuki glanced over at Scott, who had backed away. She raised an eyebrow at his strange reaction, to which he mouthed "good luck" to her and backed up. Yuki hesitated a moment as her hand reached for the doorknob, only imaging what she could be in for. She took a deep breath and twisted the knob, pulling the door open and entering. Only to be aghast at the sight in front of her.

The office was on a smaller scale; however, it was completely decorated. Yuki noticed that everything was in some shade of pastel, primarily pink. The furniture, including the desk, shelves, and sofas, was white with pink accents. Yuki even noticed how the shade of pink perfectly matched the office walls, which were decorated in different cartoon-style pictures and paintings, except for the back wall, which was entirely cubed shape shelves.

On either side of the office were two fluffy sofas, surrounded by heart-shaped bushes. Yuki wasn't sure if they were real, but her focus was soon swapped to the giant stuffed white teddy bears that sat on the couch. She could count at least four of them. And they were big too, like the expensive ones you'd see at the store. 

The room looked more like a children's nursery or daycare than an office. Had it not been for the girl behind the desk speaking up, she would've kept looking around at the room's whimsical decor.

"Please, have a seat."

Yuki's approach to one of the two fluffy seats that sat on the other side of the desk allowed her to get a good look at the girl behind it, as Yuki couldn't see her over the large monitor. However, as she neared, she instantly recognized the curly pink pigtails as the class president from the announcements the other day. So? This was the class president? Yuki couldn't but wonder why she had the office for herself. It didn't make sense to her why a class president, one who was temporary, would have such an elaborately decorated office. It made Yuki wonder just how important she was.

She sat down, feeling the soft fur of the chair cushion her. Her eyes scanned across the desk, seeing a bunch of whimsical trinkets and figurines. All of which seemed cutesy and innocent—Childlike-even, when she thought about it.

"I see you're a fan of my office." The girl said with a warm smile, peeking around from the large monitor to look at Yuki. She looked a lot younger in person. Almost like she was too young even to be here, yet, her mannerisms were the polar opposite. Despite being cutesy and whimsical in appearance, she had a mature and graceful manner of speaking.

"Oh! Of course. It's very colorful." Yuki commented.

"Good. I'm glad! I've put a lot of effort into decorating my little office. Although it wasn't as big as I expected, I made do." Ms. Lane explained as she typed something on her keyboard. Yuki nodded along, unsure what to say to shift the conversation elsewhere without coming off as rude or impatient. Luckily for Yuki, Ms. Lane directed the conversation there herself. "Anyway, enough chit-chat about my office. I don't believe I've ever met you." She paused for a moment as if asking Yuki to fill in the blank with her name.

"Hello, I'm Yuki. A transfer student here." Yuki said with a smile, trying her best to sound genuine even though she still felt angry and frustrated, especially since she had to go out of her way to solve an issue that could've been avoided.

"Wonderful to meet you, Yuki. I'm Ms. Lane, the class president. Glad to have you here at Winchester. So, what brings you to my office?"

"I was just wondering about the placement test rule for new students because-," Yuki explained, beginning to describe the context of the situation to Ms. Lane; however, she was quickly cut off by the soft-spoken girl.

"Rule 45? That's an uncommon one." Ms. Lane commented.

"Excuse me?"

"Rule 45. All students, including new students, must take a placement test to certify their academic places at the end of each semester."

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