~:Chapter 4:~

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"How was school?" 

Yuki slid into the front seat in silence, placing her bag on her lap and sitting in silence. Her father glanced over at her. Yuki, uncomfortable, shifted in her chair, knowing what she wanted to say to him but not how she was going to bring it up.

"It couldn't have been that bad." He sighed, looking at Yuki as she mindlessly stared at the many students walking off the campus, noticing a few of the students in her class.

"School was fine..." She said with a shrug. It wasn't that she was lying; the school was great, and she enjoyed her class and all; it's just Yuki wasn't exactly sure how she felt about the entire situation regarding the Grays. She wondered if maybe she felt so negatively towards it because she was afraid of ending up in that position. Immediately, reminding herself, Yuki realized that there was no way. She knew she was brilliant, and her father wouldn't let her end up in that situation. For sure, though, she was royally pissed at her father for hiding it from her.

"Good. I'm glad to see you're making friends too." He said, pulling out of the circle drive amongst other cars. 

"Yeah." She blankly responded.

An expensive red Mercedes cut him off, causing him to slam on the horn. Yuki sunk into her seat as he sped up to drive around the Mercedes, turning onto the main road and driving away. She watched as trees obstructed her view of the academy, only showing the upper portion, which soon got smaller and smaller as she and her father drove closer to the city.

The two sat in silence. Yuki, for one, kept focusing on what to say to him. She thought of so many different scenarios to approach the issue, but none of them seemed to work. So, she just decided to screw it and blurted it out.

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Huh?" Her father said, glancing over at her. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb." She aggressively shot back at him.

"I don't like this attitude, Yuki." He grunted at her.

"And I don't like being lied to! You knew what the school did with people who didn't score well! You knew everything, and you kept it hidden from me!" Yuki raised her voice. She could feel her eyes beginning to water despite trying to hold them back. The emotions were rising inside her, and she could feel them building. She just felt so upset at that very moment that it was hard to stay calm and collected.

"DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME." He screamed at her, causing her to jump back. He gripped the steering wheel as hard as possible and didn't peel his eyes off the road.  Yuki looked away, turning towards the window and placing her elbow against the side. Not wanting to cry but knowing she might.

"Look." Her father spoke up with a sigh. "I did what I had to. This was our only option here, and I wanted you to be excited about it. I wasn't going to send you to some shitty public school. You're smart, Yuki. Smarter than all of them. I know for a fact this school will capture your potential." He explained, not making any sense.

"Do you not see a problem with it? At all?" Yuki looked at him. "Some of them are used as servants?!"

"Why should I? It's just a glimpse into the real world. The smart soar while the idiots stay on the ground." He said. Yuki stared at him, confused and horrified as to why he'd say that. "Think of it this way. Our maid isn't nearly intelligent as most of us. We, smart people, give the idiots opportunities. We need them just as they need us." He said. "Why have a problem with the school when the world works the same way?" He chuckled.

"You're crazy." Yuki stared at him, completely stunned. If you told herself two weeks ago that she would be sitting in the car having this conversation with her father, which she called crazy, she wouldn't have believed you. But she couldn't help herself. What he was saying WAS crazy. She could barely comprehend what was going on. Yet, she couldn't feel like there was some truth to what he said.

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