~:Chapter 17:~

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"Danielle?!" Amelia stared at her in awe. The blonde-haired girl stood there with a hand on her hip; the other gripped the handle of the bloodstained thin sword, whose sharp tip touched the ground. She stood there, looking back at Amelia under the brim of her wide crimson hat, one of which you'd see a wealthy socialite where. On top of it sat a beautiful flower wrapped in a crimson and black bow, which matched her red prom-type dress, which had a slit in its side, most likely done by Danielle herself.

"Surprised to see me, huh?" Danielle responded.

"No, I'm wondering where the hell you got that!" Amelia pointed toward the sword in her hand. Danielle looked down for a second.

"Found it." She dryly responded with a shrug.

"Where?!" Amelia raised an eyebrow in sheer confusion.

"The forging room. You know, the one where all the blacksmith students go?" She asked. Amelia shook her head in response, unsure what she was talking about. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Let's get the hell out of here." She said, motioning towards Amelia, who shakingly nodded and followed in her footsteps as the two traversed the hallways.

"Player thirty-eight eliminated."

The two girls walked in awkward tension. Amelia glanced over to her, who seemed to be walking with her gaze straight ahead, seeming like there was something on her mind. Seeing this, Amelia reached over and touched her on the arm, causing the girl to jump, as she had just gotten caught daydreaming.

"What?" She glanced to the side at Amelia, who stopped walking to look at her.

"I'm glad to see you," Amelia whispered to her. Danielle furrowed her eyebrows, staring back at the girl as if she had just said something strange. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut short by the sound of something banging up ahead. Turning to the side simultaneously, both girls focused on two students fighting up against the lockers. Danielle quickly grabbed Amelia around the corner.

"Player forty-five eliminated."

Amelia peeked her head around the corner, focusing on the students. The blonde-haired boy stood tall, clenching his fists while standing over the black-haired boy crumpled to the floor. He sent a sharp kick to the person's gut and stepped back. She could hear him laugh as he looked down upon what he had just done. He turned to his side, glancing over in Amelia's direction.

Immediately, she retreated around the corner.

"Fuck. I think he saw me." She hissed to Danielle, who immediately grabbed her by the wrist with one of her gloved hands and took off running down the hallways, her shoes making a soft noise as they hit the carpeting that lined every single one of the hallways. It was strange that the two were running away from someone unarmed, especially since Danielle was armed with such a deadly weapon, one of which still dripped blood. Yet, Amelia didn't blame her for not wanting to kill. She would've done the same thing if she were in her position.

The two finally stopped in an empty side hallway to catch their breaths. Amelia leaned up against the wall, sucking in the oxygen as she felt beads of sweat forming on her face. Had she been anywhere else, she would've been disgusted. But these, she couldn't tell if it was from stress or exhaustion or maybe even both.

"Goddammit... As long as we don't run into anyone else..." Danielle sputtered out through the deep breaths she was taking. Amelia couldn't agree more. The hallways in the main building were the most dangerous place in the entire academy, yet, this was most likely where he'd be. She needed to find him, and, seeing as how Danielle was currently standing there alone, she knew that she needed to find her boyfriend if he was even in the game in the first place.

Academy Murder PartyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora