"Your friends?"

Thomas' lips twitched. "Yeah, some of the other guys on the lacrosse team. I know it's what you'd least expect about them, like, ha ha, they're actually good at school, surprise surprise, but they're some of the smartest people I know. Truly."

"That's really cool." She suddenly remembered Kaden's next piece of advice. The one that was apparently crucial: talk to him about her relationship problems. At first, Skylar didn't get the point of this. She thought that gossiping about Kaden would make her seem like an unloyal, bad girlfriend, but he explained that there's no better bondage than mutual dislike. "Hey-" she started, wringing together her hands, "is it alright if I ask you some advice on Kaden? Only because you told me yourself that you've been friends for so long. I trust your opinion."

Thomas inched forward on his seat. "Okay. What's up?"

"I'm...I- uh, I-" Her brain randomly shut off, and so she said the first thing she could think of: "I think Kaden might be cheating on me."

"What?" He practically leaped out of his seat.

"Yeah. I, erm, I witnessed him and Summer talking very...intimately.... in the halls. After asking him about it, he seemed very defensive."

Thomas rapidly shook his head. "I didn't wanna say this, Skylar, but I told you so. Guys like Kaden aren't meant for girls like you."

"Uh-huh. So... what should I do?" Her fingers were shaking. Great. It seemed that every time she was caught in a lie, it always had to do with Kaden, and the end result always made him look like a dirty scumbag.

"Break up with him. You don't wanna stay with a guy who doesn't even have the balls to tell you himself, do you?" Thomas' voice was accusatory, like somehow, it was Skylar's fault that their fake relationship was crumbling.

"Of course not. I just-"

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm scared."

"Scared to confront him?"

"Um. Sure." This whole catastrophe was just twisting and turning into a never ending web of lies. And she couldn't seem to stop it.

"Want me to do it?"

"Oh, um, no actually I don't, that's okay-"

"Brooks. C'mere. I need to have a word with you." Wait. What? Sure enough, there was Kaden, walking purposefully back towards them. He wore a prideful smug, as if confident that he played a successful matchmaker. "S'up, Saunders?" he hollered. His black bag was strung over one shoulder, just like always.

Thomas, like some disapproving school teacher, wiggled his finger and jerked his head to the side, indicating for him to follow. The two walked off to the side, but not far enough that Skylar couldn't eavesdrop. It was a hushed but civil conversation, like Thomas was playing the role of teacher and was scolding Kaden for cheating on a math test.

"-the fucking matter with you?"

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Skylar told me the truth."

"Oh, did she now?" Skylar rolled her eyes, and even though Kaden's back was turned towards her, she vividly pictured him seductively wiggling his eyebrows.

"How could you do this to her?"


"Skylar, you dimwit!"

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Uh-oh.

Thomas lowered his voice. "You just got a new girlfriend, and then you sneak off with Summer behind her back? God. At this point, I can't even defend you anymore."

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