Chapter 8: Final Exam

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Inside the observatory, the place is in chaos. The heroes are panicking, what looked like a orbital strike annihilated most of test area {area name here}, and a mysterias black knight comes out of nowhere. Ignoring the intruder. The immediate threat is clear

Nezu: Everyone! Calm down!

Everyone stops panicking, but none are relaxed.

Endeavor: Then what do you propose Nezu!

All Might: There are contestants down there Nezu, now's not the time for you and your new friend's antic-

Nezu: "ENOUGH! YOU WANT A PLAN! HERES THE PLAN! You and Endeavor will meet this new intruder head on, Midnight, Eraser Head, and Best Jeanist will follow as support. I will rally the other heroes in the meantime. GO!" All Might and Endeavor run off to the battlefield, leaving Nezu to his job of rallying the rest of the heroes in the building. He is just about to pick of the phone, when a black scalpel is sent through the phone. He turns around to find Jack who had thrown the knife, looking rather angry.

 He turns around to find Jack who had thrown the knife, looking rather angry

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She jumps at him, pinning him to the floor with a dagger to his throat.


Nezu: "I-I D-d-do-on't kn-now..." Jack looks into his eyes to detect any sort of lie, while savoring his fear. She gets off him, and quickly gets worried.

Jack: "Mommy might get hurt... We need to get to him fast!" She turns around to bolt off, but before she can.

Nezu: " Wait! I can help you get there faster!" Nezu hops up off the floor and goes to his desk, Jack following intently hoping to get to Izuku as fast as she can." We normally would have used this for any threat that was too great for All might alone, but we can repurpose the cannon for your convenience." He presses a button that activates the shutters around this dome that can be seen near the place. The dome lowers and reveals a "cannon."


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Jack:"..." She turns to Nezu questionably " How will this thing help us?" Nezu grins

Nezu: " you know how a cannon works?" Jack nods her head " What if the ammunition was not an alloy cannonball, but a person to help?"

Izuku's Innocent Murderer at UA (This version is not getting updated anymore.)Where stories live. Discover now