Chapter 2

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' it's the next day and raven she couldn't go to sleep she's been thinking about is how she made a new bond with

someone she just met even know they didn't know each other for months she's very excited about meeting him in the park and getting to talk with him again'

someone she just met even know they didn't know each other for months she's very excited about meeting him in the park and getting to talk with him again'

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'. Raven fit '

  Raven fit '

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' Victoria/ tori  outfit '

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' Victoria/ tori outfit '

'. The hallway
Victoria sees Raven happy and smiling, she gets to raven and goes up to her'

Hey girly you look happy ' Victoria  ays and drinks her water ' well ...... yesterday I met someone WHAT '. She spits it out ' WHO??? WHERE? iS HE CUTE? aRE YOU GOING ON A - ' Raven. Covers Victoria's  mouth'. No we are just friends or people that just met. So calm down, you know damn well that's impossible so who is this motherfucker ' Raven looks at her '. A person NO SHIT

I'm gonna to his name is Lucas but he likes to be called luke  that's his name ' Raven gets finance book'. Well does he go here? Yes , perfect then I can meet does mysterious mean '. Tori and Raven walks down the. Business class'

Listen I'll tell the boy to come eat lunch with us so you can meet him deal? Deal how much you wanna bet all he  wanna do is fuck?  Tori! What all guys wanna do is fuck. Like dogs they get horny most likely he's just a fuck boy. 'She says '

  He said he's not like other guys,  ' Raven says and say softy '  and he buy me coffee. Bitch that's what they all say next thing you know you have sex with him, gets pregnant with his baby then he leaves don't be. A. dumhuvud ( in English that means dumbass)

I won't listen I have to go to class but I'll see you later love you ' Raven goes into business class '

I won't listen I have to go to class but I'll see you later love you ' Raven goes into business class '

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' Luke outfit'

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' Luke outfit'

Sup Luke '. Bro handshake ' sup Ethan guess-what  dude I met a girl, damn  man is she cute?  She's cute but she's just my friend well a girl just met, she's very nice 'they walk in the hallway' 
come on dude I know you wanna fuck her.  Nothing's like that I just wanna get to know her and then things go  I'll  ask her out.  That's what they all say then you end up. Fucking her that's it where do dogs we have hormones you know what some of them are Horny. 'Ethan explained' listen dude I don't wanna fuck her now drop it i'll see you later OK? Okay but don't be mad that she ends up pregnant by the end of the month 'he's makes missy noisy '

' he enters in Business class'

Hey. Rave ' Luke  says while she walks in '
Hey Luke '  she sits next to him '. How has been your morning? Good actually how  has been yours?  OK we're still on for 3 o'clock at the park? Yes also want with me I want you today? Sure I would love to 'he says and smiles and looks at her '

' r they locked  Eye  contact'

. What are you thinking of right now? ' she asked'

Your eyes are  pretty,  Very pretty.  Thank you you're pretty too ' there  chemistry breaks'.    I should be getting to work we'll talk after class OK?  'He asked' ummm yeah after class

'. Now it's lunch time.  Rave and Lucas walks together to lunch '

Oh my God it's the boy. 'Tori said and eats Rice' oh he got a cute friend 'Tori smirks '

' they sit down '

Victoria this is Lucas ,Lucas Victoria ' they both shake hands and then Ethan comes over to table'

Oh this is my best friend Ethan , what's good
So Lucas, you can call me Luke
OK Luke are you just wanna fuck my best friend or you guys don't like each other ' Victoria says with intimidated face'. We are just friends I met her yesterday , yeah we are plutonic ' Raven says and eats spaghetti'

No you just wanna fuck , THATS WHAT SAID  I like you Victoria 'Ethan says' so much thing you can like about me 'they both smirk '

Ugh 'Raven and Luca say '

'  l your raven is walking off campus,  Luke catches up to her '

Let's go. '  he says and opens the car door for her '
Well thank you 'she gets in '

' at the park'

I'm sorry about my friend she can be a little-  crazy? or dirty minded? Both 'she laughs '.  She is a lot to handle but I love her, how long have y'all been friends? Since we were three we've been close ever  since 

how long have you been away Ethan? Since fifth grade he helped me with the school bully., that's nice
' it gets quiet for a minute they still continue walking and looking at the beautiful trees in the scenery'

Do you grow up here? Yes born and raised here beautiful city beautiful people 'he replies'

'They stopped walking for a bit and he stops her '
I know we all know each other for a day but-
If I asked you out for dinner would you say yes? Yes I want is this you asking me out? Yes I'm sorry is the same weird because we just starting to know each other and we

only met 24 hours ago- 'Raven stops him from talking' sure. I'll go out to dinner with you I will pay for it, this is a brilliant way for some more good to know each other then how we are right now 'she says ' yeah you right

I'm going back to my apartment I'll see you at 8 o'clock? Ok

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