Chapter 1

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' someone   knocks on the door'

Go away. ' she says while her voice cracking, sobbing '

Come on rave it's been a  3 1/2 week please come out ' her best friend  trying to get her out of her room '
' raven still crying'

Ima bust in if you don't answer me 1..2..3 '. Victoria buts in '

'Raven on ur coach crying watching ron cons and room is a mess'

Not over it?
You look like I'm over it '. She wiping her tears '. I'm hurt, five years for what I was in love with him  I gave him my everything 'm never gonna get over it. '.

Raven says then Victoria comes over and hugs her '. It Is going to be OK going to be other guys,  Zack don't know what he's missing out on' Victoria says and still hugging her '

You promise? 
I promise, but take a shower you don't smell Pleasant and you need to get out more so you can find yourself a new brilliant guy 'she says '

'. Sniffles'. Ok

  Love you I'll call you later. ' Victoria leaves'

''.  Now I know what you're thinking what happened well my name is Raven, i'm a. Senior  in college and I got my heart broken.  since high school I've been with this boy name Zack turns out he has
been cheating on me since we started dating so he broke up with me turns out he is engage and slept with my ex best friend, Not to mention  this men was hurting me mentally and physically. Fucked up right? Now I gave you some background information let's get back to my story'

 Fucked up right? Now I gave you some background information let's get back to my story'

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'. Raven outfit'

' Raven drives to a her favorite coffee shop where she can get a clear head '

' Raven drives to a her favorite coffee shop where she can get a clear head '

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'.  Luke outfit'

Hey is this sit taken ' a guy asks '
'She take her AirPods out'Yes, 'she says '. Oh 'he says 'By you ,  'he sits down next to her '.   How are you?  'She asked ' . Good  you?  'He responded and waits for his coffee'.  I'm okay not the best but I'm OK'. '

She responded'  you look sad, oh  I'm ok  just going through a break up 'she says '. Oh i'm sorry , it's ok i'm just trying to get over it , 

'she looks at him '

Feel like I seen you before? 'She says'
Oh I know we go to the same college I am in your business class. 'He says '
Lucas?   Yes that's me, you must be Raven, yes that's me,
'. She  puts her AirPods back in and listen to her music'

What are you listening to?
Chase Atlantic
I love their music
You do?  Most people think that is not a band and only like them for that one song that put a on TikTok.  

Yeah I love their songs,  which one is your favorite?

We'll do it on 3


Church . 'They both said '

Oh my God I love that song. 'She says '

Ms too I also  like friends. it's so relatable because I still like this girl and she played me   ' he says  and looks at the  ceiling'

She's an idiot because you seem like a nice person'  Raven says and stills waits '

And you seem like a very sweet person, can I have your number sorry if that sounds weird 'he asked and act awkward'

Sure put your number in ' she hands him her phone he puts his number in and their coffee came at the same time'

Your total is  $15.24 ' barista says'
Oh my God I do not have enough 'she says ' I got it I'll pay for both of us, really?  It's seems like you've been having a rough week so this is my treat on me' he smiles and pays '

' after that they both have their coffee and then leave at the same time'

Thank you you don't have to pay for my coffee' Raven says and walking to her car '

But I wanted to 'he walks her to her car'. Very sweet guy I'll see you around Luke

OK see you later Raven, you can call me Rave 'she gets in her car and drives away '

' later on at night '

'Text messages'

Hey it's  Luke,
Nothing getting ready for bed and doing my hair , you
Watching a movie. 
We should hang out more
I can agree on that
Should we hang out tomorrow at the park 3 PM? 
I would love that I'll pick you up
I never met a guy like you
Well I'm not like other guys
Ok whatever you say

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