chapter 18: someone busy.

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Frisk pov.
Im in the garden. Cocoa invited me here. She loves the flowers. Probably because she grew them with her plant magic. But they are beautiful. I see some really good plants. She taking care of more of them. She loves plants. Well. I have a gift for her. "Your plants are beautiful. But not as much as you" she blushed. Cocoa: "so...cheesy!!!" I chuckled. I grab something from under the table. "Cocoa?" She looked at me as I showed her. "I order these flowers. For you" it was a Bundle of golden flowers. "Your very important to me. And i want your happiness to aslways be there" she grab them. She sniff them. She smiled. Cocoa: "!" I smiled. I hold her other hand. "I love you cocoa. I want you to be happy no matter what. I'll never stop loving you. Because your the one for me" she smiled as tears were coming out. Cocoa: "me....too" we sat down and stayed near eachother. We looked at the plants. As they are dancing in the wind. "Cocoa. I would like to know your past. For you fell and your time in the underground" Cocoa shaked. "But do it when you want. Not now. When you feel like sharing. I will wait for as long as you want" I hold her hand. She sniff the flowers again. I smiled. I'm so happy.
Nightmare pov.
I appear in the San universe. As always I must make sure I'm not spotted or everything is ruined. I enter ink san big prison. Lucky it not being used much because of how there not much bad sans there. Now I need to find X. She is somewhere. In this big place. I started moving. Lucky ink doesn't patrol this place. Not like there anyway to escape when you get here. So many cells are empty. What was the point in making this place if there no one to even come here. ???: "it mostly for anyone that needs to be stopped for what they done. So that ink sans doesn't kill them" that voice. "I can't tell if your a boy or a girl player. But guessing from your voice. Your a girl for now. Or a boy" player. Someone that I only heard of. Never thought of meet them here. Whoever. They are what they said they are. Player. That about it. Player: "I never thought I would meet nightmare of the chara storyshift universe. Or dreamshift I should say" just looking at this red and black outfit and gray skin thing is already making Me wish I didn't meet them. "I got no time to talk to you" I started moving. Player: "than I come with you!" Great. I started walking up stairs. Player: "so tell me! What was it like Killing everyone you knew! Everyone but your sister of course" of course they would know. They are player. Someone that not supposed to exist but ended up existence anyway. Now she or he goes though worlds. Watching. Or doing something. Lucky she or he haven't been in the shift universe. Or they could start doing something I don't want. Player: "well! I'm surprised you heard of me! I must have gotten more popular than I thought! Ink sans try to get me but he knows I can just stop him" I don't know how they gotten far. But I don't care. Player: "your very quiet. Of course that how nightmare works. Your very different than nightmare sans. Your quiet. Serious. And cool! Your probably better than nightmare Sans! Too bad the sans universe is more mention than the Chara one. The one that made the storyshift said that they don't want anymore created charas until he finished the reboot" reboot shift. They won't be interested in being apart of this battle. They are not like other shift. They don't care about anything. "Why a you following me. Shouldn't you go and disturb someone else?" Player: "nope! I knew you were coming here! Because I want access to the shift universe!" Nope. I didn't listen. Player: "nightmare!! Please!!" Where the hell is X jail cell? It like I been walking around for hours. Player: "your looking for someone. I can help!" What? Player: "ink capture someone that belongs to your world! I know where she is!" Than player started showing me the way. I may as well follow. Player started showing me. Player: "this Chara has a real mouthful! She talk back alot to ink sans!" That sound like X. I hope they accept my deal. They are important help. With another one that strong. Epic maybe will have a challenge. If she can work with the others. Player: "you are very cool. Just like the other charas in your universe. You guys must be a handful for ink chara. Since like ink sans. She has to make sure error doesn't destroy the aus. But she soulless right?" I nodded. "Been soulless since her creator took her soul. Now she has capsules" player: "just like ink sans. But the also another reason too that I wanted to meet you" what? Player: "your going to lose that battle" what do they mean? "You better explain what you ment. Before I kill you" player: "like I said. Your going to lose that battle. So are ink team. So there will not be winners" no winners? That can't be. What will I be missing than? "How do you know this?" Player: "I kind of can guess. But that what I'm thinking. Even if I can change how the worlds go and there story's" what? Player has that ability. Now I knew why I didn't trust them. They could play our worlds like a puppet. Change it. Make it go the way they want. That means I need to kill them. Player: "sorry. But you can't kill me. I'm not someone that can be killed since I'm apart of the network" Than fire walls appeared. Player: "I'm like error. But I'm powerful" she or he made them go away. Player: "but that not what I'm here to do. We are going to find X!" Damn it. Her or his soul is dark but it still has determination. I need to get X and leave. After sometime of walking. And random questions from Player. We got to a cell that had noises coming from them. ???: "I am a one girl army! That no one can take me! So if you try me! Than get ready to be bended!" I knocked on the bar. ???: "hm. How surprising. It you. Nightmare" X. A girl that killed Metacritic before they could become one with there soul. Letting two people escape. Frisk. And asgore. Abandoning there aus just to find them. No luck. "And your X. You should have stayed in our universe" X: "well. I had to go and see if they are here. And enjoy my self since I'm here" as always. "I have come to get you out of this place" X: "na. I actually enjoy being here. Maybe he will come to me. So I plan to stay" as always. "What if I can show you where he been hiding" that got her attention. X: "you don't know where they are. Or where she is" oh really. "I do. And I can prove it" I open a portal. X looked though. She can see asgore and frisk. X: "dad!!!" Lucky they can't hear her. "I been watching them for years. Making sure of there every move. So far he been readying something but I been slowing him down because I know that you want frisk alive and him" X looked at me. X: "so. This is your game. You using this to get me to work with you. What have you been doing anyway" *sigh* "I been working on a plan. Something that will change our world forever. But I know I can't do it alone. I needed help with allies that are like me. Crazy. Killer. And demon. You can't win a war alone. You need the help with those that are just like you" X: "did ypu thought of that little speech on your own. Because it weak" Then they smirked. X: "But hell yes!! If I get to face these other charas than it will be fun!! Count me in!!" Hm. I knew it. They broke open the cell with just a kick. X: "so what have you been up too" I open a portal. "Capturing frisks. They are needed for this plan to work" X: "as long as my one stays out of it than I'll do it!!" X went though the portal. Player: "so. Do I get a thank you for helping you" I gave her a look. "You act like you been doing something behind our back" player: "smart as ever nightmare. I didn't need access to your universe from you. I already did had access" I figured. "Tell me why you even asked" player: "was wondering if you know about one of yours worlds that somehow changed" what? "You were the one that made a frisk appeared in storyswapfell world?" They looked at me with a smirke. Player: "I was curious. So I made another storyfell world and combine them together. I was going to fix it but ended up leaving it" so she or he has been doing something. Player: "tell me. How much trust will you sacrifice just to bring back your dead crush. After all. She chose dream so it far. But you thought you deserve her. Too bad that was only a thought" a network portal open up. Player: "you better watch out too. Ink as a Allie that even I never seen before. One that can use all the souls" one that can used all of the souls? Player: "this going to be fun to watch!!" Than player left. I better leave too. Don't want to stay here for long. I step though the portal and left the sans universe.

Liquid: "I think some of you guys will like this one. It includes someone you all know. Peace!"

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