chapter 1: where am i.

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(Another great picture from my friend Preverse2970. Don't steal. I asked for permission)
Frisk pov.
My head hurts. It like I landed on something. Or fall from a high place. Wait. I did. So am I dead? I open my eyes. I feel my body on something. I looked and see a golden flower bed. Did this. Soften my landing. So I'm alive. I feel alive. Yup. I can feel my breast. Which I don't know why they are the first I touched. But that means I'm alive. I got up. I looked around. This place. It looks like someone dig a big hole. I looked up. I can't see him. Was I falling for a awhile? I see a stick. I grab it. If there someone that wants to hurt me. I can use it. Even if it a stick. I than looked for a path. It really dark but I do see some purple door way. I walk though it. It like a long old hallway. I than got to a area with dry ground. Something pop out of it. It looks like. A flower but it only have 5 petals. It looking around. "Um. Hello?" It turn around. ???: "what the? Where did you come from? Never mind. You should go back!" Go back. Not like there ever any away to go back. "I felt down a hole. I don't think there away up" ???: "oh. Right. Sorry. I just. Thought you were one of the monsters" monsters? ???: "wait. Your a human? Now that even worst" a talking flower. I thought that worst. Never in my life have I seen one. "What your name?" Boogie: "name boogie. And down here. Your the target" I'm. The target, "what do you mean? I just got here" boogie: "humans down here are wanted. The guards will search for you and capture you. But they will kill you" kill me? I just got here and I'm already being told that I'm getting targeted? Today just keep getting worst for me. But at least he not here. If I die down here. I'll be happy. "If you know the way around. Can you show me?" Boogie: "your on your own. I have to deal with my own problems and that not letting that psycho find me" psycho? Is there someone crazy here? Boogie: "I'm going to let you know this. Don't let him find you!" He than disappeared underground. Damn it. Just when I thought I have a clue where I am. Now I don't at all. *sigh* I didn't get to tell him my name. But he didn't give me a warning. But I don't see any other way out. I guess I'll have to go forwards. Looked around as I left the area where boogie was at. It looks like old ruins. Very old. Where did I even ended up at anyway. All I remember was running up a mountain. It just a mountain nothing else. But why is there a place like this? I continue moving. It is really old. And dusty? I looked at the ground. There dust here. Does that mean the ruins are really old. Hmm. I continue forwards. I see spikes in the way. So what do I do? I can't walk over it. I turn around to look for away. I than see three levers. I try to figure out what they do. I pulled the first one. I hear something click. I looked to see the spikes are down. I than head over there. I wonder what those other lever does. But right now. I want to know what the hell this place is. A big hole and now I'm in a weird ruin place that looks really old. And a talking flower. Have I gotten drugged or something. Well let's see where I am. I read a sign. Ruins. Yeah I can see that. But it looks very old. I can feel the rust on the sign. The air is really hard to breath too. Like there dust in the air.  I walked into a room with what looks like a dummy. But it has bullets holes. I don't think it made by bullets. It too hot. Like it was blast. Or something. I walked into the next room. Still empty. I don't see anyone here. Is this place abandon? But that flower said something about someone here. I than hear something fired. It was loud and it coming from somewhere close. I followed where I heard the noise. I peeked around the corner. I hear the sound of someone sweeping. I see what looks like a robe. ???: "I didn't mean to kill them! I didn't mean too! They were just staying there! Yes! Yes just standing there while I fired! I didn't mean to kill them! The ground is dirty with the dust! Must clean! Must clean! The lieutenant doesn't like the place to be messy! The dust makes the places looks bad!" I than see him leave. Is that the crazy guy that I was told about? He sound. Mentally unstable. Boogie was right. It best to avoid him. He would kill me by accident. I continue forwards doing puzzles on the way. These puzzles. They are. Interesting. I never did puzzles since I was in school. And that was 12 years ago. All my friends. All those things I achieved. All gone away because my dead beat of a parents sold me so it can pay off all the debt they had. I was 8 years old. And I spend my whole life there. And I'm never going back there. At least this is a change of being chased for the last 4 years. I feel relaxed. Not being shot at. Or want to be fucked until I get pregnant. I'm never having his child. Or anything. Beside. It really quiet here. And it very different. Maybe if I find a place down here. I could live here. If I wasn't wanted. I wonder why. I continue to do puzzles. I than see a monster bowl. It has dust on them. I put my hand inside. All i feel is dust. I than grab something out. It looks like candy. "You got candy" hm? Where did that voice come from? I must be going crazy. I put it in my pocket. I than left the area I was in. I than see a frog. It looked scared. "Um. Hi?" It than ran away. I than see other weird looking things. They all hide behind something. Are these. Monsters? Wait. Why does it feel like I know about monsters. I cant remember. Well I better move. These monsters look like they don't want me here. A bit sad but I understand. I know what it like not to be somewhere you want to be. This places is really old. So these are monsters. Are they real? All of them are just hiding. Like they are afraid of someone. I see more dust on the ground. Jesus. This guy must shoot them by "accident" alot. I don't really understand how anyway. Is it that mentality unstabled. Well I hope there is a place I can stay. If not. I'll have to leave if I keep getting hunted. I can never have a life where I'm not a target. He think I'm someone he fallen for. But too bad. I'm not interested in men. I'm interested in females because work with them because I'm not the only girl that was there. Too bad they ended up being sex salves. While I got my self out of there. I walking into a place that had a rip poster on the wall. I can't read what it says but I walked past it. The walls are very dust. They have signs on them that I can't even read. Why sweep the ground when the signs should be taken care of. I did more puzzles. They are fun to do. They are not hard. Or are they easy. Which is ok. Because I haven't had fun in years! I'm enjoying them! But I'm also making sure I don't die. But If I do. Than I won't have to worry about my life anymore. I don't have to worry about him or anyone. I want to finally be happy. Finally be away from the man that ruin my life. If this place gives me it. Than I welcome it with open arms. But may as well just survive for now. I got to a area with a dead tree. I think I see a house. I hope whoever loves there will let me stay for a bit. I step forwards until I feel something hit me or shot me. I put my hand on the wound. Blood. I fall to the ground. I'm quickly going unconscious. Is this it. Am I finally dieing. It much scary. But. I'm glad I don't get to see him. I close my eyes as I go unconscious. Hoping to die. ???: "oh deary me! I shot someone again! It a human! She wounded! I'm a medic I can save her! Yes medics save people means I can save her! I shall pick her up and place her in a room to recover! I didn't mean to shot! It just happens! I didn't know anyone was there! But don't worry! Papyrus the medic will save you! He can save life's! I can save life's!" Boogie: "damn it"

Liquid: "here you go. Second part done. Peace!"

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