chapter 7: meeting the scary but kind mute mom

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Frisk pov.
We followed toriel. Cocoa said that she taking us to her place. Want to treat us as her guest. It a peaceful walk to her place. Cocoa I holding her hand and toriel looks like she really happy to see her. Boogie: "I know I said bad things about her. But this is all new to me frisk" Than we got to the area which we were at before. We got to her house. It. Looks like a dog house. I see it lost a eye. It has bandage on the ear. Toriel went up to the door and open it. Hold her arms to the door way. I'm guessing that means she saying after you. Note book: "after you!" Figure. I walked inside as cocoa followed behind. The inside of her house. It like a normal place. She must have to take care of the place. Note book: "she wants us to have a seat when ready" I nodded. I had a look around the place. I went to a door at the end of place. Note book: "that her room. Asriel used to live here until he moved over to snowdin" that interesting. Looks like there nothing else to see. I went over to a seat she place down. I sat down at the table as cocoa did too. I place boogie on the table. Note book: "what would you like?" Hmm. "Got any cocoa?" Cocoa chuckled. That was a cute chuckle that I have ever heard. Boogie: "just get me water if you don't mind" note book: "Cocoa for me too!" Sound like a chocolate lover. Toriel nodded and went to prepare our cocoa and water. Note book: "you like chocolate two?" Let me think. "Yeah. It been years since I had it. I love the taste it holds" note book: "me too! I got my nickname from it!" I smiled. "It a cute nickname!" She smiled as we talked for a bit. Or should I say. She writes on the papers and I read it. She even show me pictures she did of me while I was a sleep. It really beautiful. Cocoa is amazing. And cute. She than went back to drawing. I stare at her as she drawing. She something. It been awhile the last time I hangout with anyone. It makes me feel like I don't want to be alone. Too bad I might have too when I leave this place. I wouldn't want him to find her and ruin her like she nearly did to me. Once I tell the police about him. He done. But for now. I wanted to hangout with these guys. Toriel came back with what we asked for. I sip mine and cocoa sip hers. Boogie drinks out of his glass of water. "So tell me. Your the captain of this army. Am as you can see. I'm being hunted. So. Why are you treating me like guest?" She stare at me. Note book: "she says it because your my friends" oh. Really? Note book: "I dont have many friends sadly" I can see that. "But don't worry! You have boogie!" I moved boogie close to her. Boogie: "wait why!" Cocoa chuckled. Toriel smiled. "So. Your a mute like cocoa. Sorry if that sound rude" note book: "I dont mind. She said" this might be a problem. They are both mutes and they both know what they are saying. Then they started staring at eachother. I think they are talking to eachother. Boogie: "they are talking to eachother I think. That mean me and you get to talk" I nodded. "We will let you guys talk. Or stare" I grab boogie and got up. I bring boogie over to a place where we can talk. "It nice to finally meet more nice people. Feels like we are safe it" boogie: "frisk the one we should be worried about is asriel. He the one after us" yeah. He will hunt us until we are caught. And he may also be pissed off that I bring cocoa with me. Boogie: "by the way. I been thinking. Why do you want to leave?" I started thinking. "Because as you saw. I'm hunted. I wouldn't to be somewhere there if I wasnt getting chases by someone" boogie: "good point. I forgot that I told you to leave when we met. I guess I warm up to you. Like your a friend. I mean. My only friend since I been hunted" I smiled. "Mine too in years. I never had any friends" boogie: "guess we both know the feeling of loneliness" I nodded. "Why are you getting hunted?" Boogie: "many years back. The second human was captured. I watched as the king chose to kill the human. I help her escape. I try to hide her until they found her and killed her. Her soul was taken to the king. I try to destroy the soul but I was already to late. The king order Me to be captured. For some many years I was hunted. Trying to help the other humans that fell. But they all were captured one by one by asriel dreemurr. He quickly went up the ranks. Until he met chara. He went against everything when he met her. He lovers her like his own sister. But Even than. He still wants me behind bars. And now. Your the last human that will free us. And he wont stop hunting you. Even more since you brought chara with us" he right. Asriel is going to hunt us all the way to the end. Well. All I plan is to be her friend. She doesn't trust human. Maybe it because of what happen to her. But I'll be the first human to be her friend. And I will. Boogie: "I feel bad for leaving them as they are talking. Let return" I nodded. I grab him as we return back to the table. "Sorry that we left. We didn't want to interrupt whatever you guys are doing" they keep staring at eachother. This weird. They both have this look in there eyes as they are waitting for the right timing to win in a game of slap. This continues for I don't know a hour. Than they both smiled and thumbs up eachother. I nearly fell a sleep. Note book: "mom says we can stay here if we want. We can sleep in my brothers old room" wait we are staying? "I didn't know you had plans to stay. May I ask why?" Note book: "I want to get to know you!" She put a flower and =) on that page. I finished my cocoa. Boogie finished his water. Cocoa is still finishing hers. I grab the cups and place them in the sink. Cocoa gesture to me to come over here. She open a door. Wait. Where did that come from? I swear it was not there when i checked. I walked inside. It does look like someone used to stay here. Cocoa pulled out a mattress from under the bed. "I'll sleep on the mattress. You take the bed" she smiled. Notebook: "thank you!" Beside this would be great. I can finally sleep somewhere. I lie down on it. I place boogie next to me. Boogie: "finally on a bed that not in a psycho house am I right?" I nodded. Note book: "thanks for hanging out with me. I know your trying really hard to be friend me" of course she would knew. "I haven't had friends in years. And I knew that I must know you if we are going to be friends. Your brother on the other hand. He going to try and find us. He going to save you and capture me and boogie" note book: "yeah. I should have left him a note. But you dragged me out before I could. Now he may think you kidnapped me" I chuckled. "Well I didn't mean too. I really want to be your friend. I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to be your human friend. Even if you hate humans. Just think of me as the first nice human" note book: "I was already thinking of that. To which I still dont believe it" wow. She writes fast. Note book: "you really won't hurt me?" I try to give her my biggest smile. "Of course not. I wouldn't want to hurt a cutie like you" she went silent. I don't know why. "Well night cocoa. Night boogie" boogie: "night everyone. See you all tomorrow" note book: "night" I close my eyes. I'm so tired. I hope too have some sleep at least" toriel: "*close the door* ......cute"

Liquid: "here and done. Peace!"

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